Chapter 15

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*10 minutes later*


About 10 minutes later, Scott came back into the room, a smile on his face. A doctor had already come in to check on both me and my condition, but left soon afterwards.

"How are you feeling?" He asked.

"The pain isn't as bad now. My side still hurts, but not the agonizing pain that it was when he shot me." I replied, my voice slightly croaky.

"Just rest for now." Scott said, a soft smile on his face.

"I think I've had more than enough 'rest' Scottie. Don't you?" I retorted, a small smile gracing my face. My throat was still dry and my voice still cracked, but the water Mitch had given me had helped a lot. Both Mitch and Scott chuckled at my retort.

"I guess so." Scott replied.

"Anyway, what have I missed out on in the three months I have been out?" I asked.

"Well, we were nominated for another Grammy for our cover of Dance of the Sugar Plum Fairy." Mitch told me. My face lit up.

"Congratulations!" I exclaimed, a grin on my face, clapping my hands.

"Thanks." Mitch and Scott said in unison. Before any of us could say anything else, I heard the voice of a certain blonde haired woman from the door.

"MAIA!" Kirstie exclaimed, her voice filled with joy and excitement but it wasn't too loud. She obviously remembered she was in the ICU.

"Hi Kirstie. Did you miss me?"

"Of course we missed you!" She replied, obviously shocked that I would think otherwise. She powerwalked over to me and embraced me in a hug. Soft enough so as not to hurt me, but tight enough for me to know she meant business.

"We missed you a lot Princess. We are really glad you made it through this. We knew you would." Kevin added, a smile on his face.

"Thanks Kevin. So am I." I said, a smile on my face as I looked at him. I then turned to Mitch. "So, when can I get out of here?" I asked. Mitch smiled.

"You just woke up and you're already eager to get out." He said amused.

"Uh, yeah, I've been stuck in here for two months, I wanna go home, and I am more than sure that you and the guys want me home." I replied.

"This is true." He replied. "They'll probably want to keep you in here for a couple more days but I can go and ask them if you like." Mitch offered.

"Yes please. I don't particularly want to stay here longer than I have to." I replied.


"I'll be right back ok?" I said, more of a statement than a question as I walked out to go and ask how long Maia had to stay in the hospital. I am so glad Maia is alright. I was so worried about her. Mum, Dad, and Jessa came to visit as soon as they heard. Jessa's husband Jared stayed back with the kids but Jessa came to visit for about a week. Our parents had to go back to work after about a week, but they did come and visited Maia several times. Thank God Pentatonix had a few months' break from tour. We were still writing, arranging, rehearsing, and we did several performances around LA, but we didn't go on an extended tour. I think it was much needed after everything that happened. Plus, everyone knew I didn't want to be too far from Maia.


I am so glad that Maia is awake. Everyone, including myself, has been so sad without her. It just shows how much of an impact she has had on both us and our lives. Throughout the entire two months that Maia has been in a coma, our fans have been sending us nothing but love and support. They will never understand how much it means to us.

"Can we tweet out that Maia is awake? I think our fans should know."

"Individual and group accounts?"

"Yep." Maia smiled as we all took to Twitter to tell everyone what had just happened.

@ KOlusola: After two months of watching and waiting, @ MaiaGrassi is awake! Thank you for all your love and support in this challenging time

@ mitchgrassi: MY SISTER IS AWAKE!! No words can describe what I am feeling right now. After two months, I can once again see her beautiful smile.

@ kirstin_taylor: @ MaiaGrassi is awake! I am so happy that we have her back. Thank you everyone for all the love and support.

@ scotthoying: Our Princess @ MaiaGrassi is awake! I'm so happy. Thank you everyone for all your love and support.

@ Avi_Kaplan: So happy to have @ MaiaGrassi back with us and is getting better. Thank you for all your love and support

@ PTXofficial: Exciting news! @ MaiaGrassi is finally awake from her 2 month coma. We are so happy she is awake and thank you for all your love and support

@ MaiaGrassi: Hello world, I am back. Thank you everyone for all the love and support you have been sending us <3

After we posted our tweets, we received a flood of notifications instantly all saying how happy the fans, friends, family, and even other celebrities were that Maia was awake.

"When do I get to go home?" Maia asked Mitch as he walked back in the door about five minutes after he left.

"They will keep you in here for three days, just to monitor you." I replied.

"When you do get out, you'll have to have a lot of rest and most likely have people wait on you, but I'm sure your roommates won't mind." I added. Scott and Mitch both rolled their eyes but laughed none the less.

*3 days later - Maia getting home*


I was finally home. Mitch came around to help me get out of the car. I wasn't completely immobile, but considering I hadn't used my legs in over two months, I was still a bit wobbly on them.

"You excited?" Mitch asked as he opened the door.

"Yeah. I am so happy to be home." I stated. I looked up to see the lounge room decorated with a 'Welcome Home' banner and flowers

"WELCOME HOME!" All my roommates (Mitch, Scott, Alex, Hayden, Chris, and Justin) exclaimed.

"Thank you guys. I missed you all so much." I said, trying to hold my tears of happiness in.

"We missed you too Munchkin." Alex replied, coming over to hug me. I hugged him back. After I finished hugging Alex, I hugged the rest of my roommates before Mitch sat me down on the couch and put on The Wizard of Oz (which to Alex's delight, is now one of my favourite movies). Everyone sat down with me, Alex and Mitch on either side of me, and watched The Wizard of Oz, Alex and I singing along to all the songs.

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