Chapter 17 - The end of the begining

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"Kurapika! That's pretty much enough." Said a familiar voice. Kurapika widened his eyes and slowly turned behind to see who it is.

"Hisoka!" Said kurapika. "You're alive?!" He Exclaimed. "Yes, I am. Infact, all of us are pretty much alive. One way, or the other." Said hisoka.

"Well, where are they?"

"I'm not telling,"

"Nani?! I need to see them!"

"I'm not telling till this guy is DEAD!" Hisoka threw a card that multiplyed in the air and that ended Saragaya's life. "Follow me."

Kurapika was lead to a mountain. There he found the rest of the members. However they where weren't in good shape. Machi seems like she been stab, phinx's had his entire right hand injured and bleeding, nobunaga had his forehead bleeding and the rest had wounds every parts of their body.

Kurapika looked around but his kuroro was no where to be found. "Where's kuroro?" Asked kurapika. "He is right at the highest point of the mountain. Well.... He's been waiting for you." Said hisoka.

Kurapika climbed the moutain with ease as his chains came in handy. When he was there, the highest point of the mountain, he looked around. The saw a man in dark blue coat standing and looking at the magnificent view of the scenery.

"Kuroro!" Called kurapika. Kuroro looked to see who had called him. When he saw kurapika, he just turned around with a poker face. Kurapika ran towards Kuroro and when he reach there kurapika jump on kuroro and gave his a great big hug.

They fell and stumbled down the mountain... TOGETHER. They started to form a snow ball but when they reached the bottom it has melted. Both kurapika and kuroro was dirty, they were covered with mud, grass and twigs. 

They went back to their temporary hideout or where everyone is.

"What happened to the two of you?" Asked Machi.

"We fell from the tip of the mountain." Explained kuroro.

"I never thought that you were this careless,boss." Commented phinx.

"It was not my fault" kuroro looked at kurapika. Trying to tell phinx that it was his fault. Kuroro grabbed kurapika's hand and pulled him to hut the troupe made.

"You know, I never thought that you'll worry like this about me." Said kuroro. "I wasn't worried..." Kurapika said as he looks away, avoiding kuroro's eyes.

"Oh really?"


"Okay, if that's true then look me in the eye and say that you weren't worried." He touched kurapika's face so that kurapika is now looking up at him. Eye to eye. "I-I w-wasn't..." Kurapika couldn't say it but he found a way to escape the situation. He looked away making kuroro let of his face and said "this is ridiculous! Did you really I'd be worried for you?! In fact, I was disappointed to hear that you were still alive!" Kurapika walks out of the hut.

'Was he really not worried? From what I got from hisoka. He said that saragaya wanted kurapika. kurapika does not want to as he thought that I've already died and that kurapika had lots more aura and is more powerful. Was kurapika hiding all that from me? Hisoka even said that kurapika was sad to hear me alive.....' Thought kuroro.

"Once I have the chance to fight kuroro. That will determine who is the man for kurapika. I'm done laying low. Nows the time for the 3rd party to play the main character's partner for life." Sais hisoka to him self. He had a great plan to make the two to break up. He's been planning it for a few months and is waiting for the right moment.

And Now Is The Right Moment.

Kon'nichi wa minna-san!!! Hope you like this chapter! Now, you guys do remember that this is a yaoi story right? And most of  yaoi stories have... Ahem... S*x scene.

So, I feel very uncomfortable writing it. And i wanna stop writing all those scene. But if you guys like it then it's okay:) pls comment on whether I should put those kinds of scenes or not. I'll guys tell you in the next or next two chapter my decision. Don't worry, I will still keep the sweetness in this book:)

Thank you and hope that you guys have enjoyed the story:)

Till my next update!

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