Chapter 16 - kurapika vs Saragaya

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"Oh you don't have to worry about them. They're all gone.."

"Saragaya?! H-how did you f-find me?"

"Did you really think I couldn't find you? I actually found you earlier but decided to investigate first. And I know you are just stuck with these creeps! But now you're free... You should thank me. And you now owe your life to me... That's why you're staying forever with me. So come on let's go."

"I'm not going anywhere with you!"

"Are you for real?! They're ALL GONE! If it wasn't for me you'd still be stuck with them!"

"But I'm free now, aren't I? That just states that I have a choice to follow you or not!" Kurapika made his chains appear and Attacked Saragaya. But he dogded it and gave kurapika a wham on the stomach which made kurapika fly away and through a wall.

Kurapika coughed as there was still fire and when there's fire, there's smoke you can suffocate from. He got up... He was dizzy and his vision was blur. Kurapika saw a man coming towards at a very high speed. That man was saragaya. He gave kurapika a bone breaking hit at the side! Kurapika flew from one side of the room to the other.

Kurapika coughed as he is kneeling down by the side of the wall. And then, he looked straight up. He stood up, slowly walking to Saragaya who has stopped attacking as he was confused on what happened to kurapika all of a sudden.

Kurapika's face turned from a dizzy state to a poker face. That looked pale. It was a mixture of Sadness and ignorance for pain. His eyes looked soulless. It reflected all the memories and pain he had with the spiders.

'The spiders... The group of thiefs that didn't care about death. The one and only group that out smarted me.  All those times with them... All those And now... They're all gone........' thought kurapika.

He us now in an illusion. Kurapika was under the ocean. In the middle of know where, Just like drowning. But it felt like he was just sleeping. His hair waved here and there. He was slowly sinking to the bottom of the ocean that seemed forever. He saw the water level slowly getting further. He reach out his hand but it was no use. So, he chose to closed his eyes....

"Kurapika,"a voice called out, it sounded like a kid. "Kurapika!" It called again. Kurapika opened his eyes. It was Gon! "Hey kurapika!" Gon said. "Gon?! What are you doing here?!" Asked kurapika.

"What am I doing here? What are you doing here? You're not suppose to be here. Don't tell me you've given up."

"Given up?! I'm not giving up!"

"Then what's stopping you? The spiders death? Why?"

"I-I don't know..."


"I said I don't know!"

"Are you surely that you don't know? I'm gonna ask you again kurapika. Why?"

"Cause they're all dead! And I'm alone! *starts sobbing** I'm alone facing the opponent. I'm alone even after this. You're not really here. This is just an illusion made by me cause I'm scared and alone!"

"You're not alone... We are all here for you  **killua, leorio, people in the kurata clan and the spiders appeared**  . We may not be physically with you but we're with you in your heart. Cause we are friends! And Friends don't leave each other alone. You got that?! Now Go Kurapika! Be that kurapika I look up at. Be the person you were, before all this happened. We will all take care of your back."

"Right! Arigato... Minna-san. *tear drops*"

Kurapika closed his eyes and opened it with red eyes in the real world, this time he was full of determination. He wanted to get revenge for his friends.

He ran and got a direct hit! He continued hitting even tho saragaya is still in the air from the previous hits he threw. Kurapika punched his stomach then a kick at the back and then at the side and the other. Kurapika just keep attacking. "You bastrad!" He shouted.

"Kurapika! That's pretty much enough." Said a familiar voice. Kurapika widened his eyes and slowly turned behind to see who it is. And it was comfirmed...

Yo! Minna-san! Here's this chapter! I have nothing much to say as all my ideas went to the story... So ya... Enjoy!

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