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Saturday morning I was getting ready to go meet up with Todd and his fiancé, and tbh I wasn't looking forward to Thu at all coz you know I'd rather spend my Saturday just lazing around the house with my bestie Nicki but I had to do thus for Tiara, because her happiness means everything to me. She walked in while I was finishing my make up. She looked good as ever in her blue ripped skinny jeans, a black and while crop to with her ankle white converse. She put her hair into a neat bun. I eyed her one time as she walked by me l, but baby girl's growing faster for my liking.

"Mom when are you gon Finnish we don't wanna be late?" She said flopping on my bed. I took my purse, my iphone 6s and the car keys and we were out the door.

"Are you nervous ?" Tia asks while we were in the car

"why would I be nervous?" I asked still concentrating on my driving

"You're about to see your ex husband with a new boo who happens to be carrying his child and not to mention that they are engaged" she said causing me to shake my head

"You know the things that cone out your mouth are too much for a thirteen year old" she rolled her eyes and I decided to let it slide just this one

"Mom I'm not a baby any more like you said I'm thirteen now"

"And I'm twenty eight, your point ?" She laughed at my remark but I wasn't laughing when she noticed that she immediately stopped

"Seriously though mother, does this bother you ?" She sure as hell wasn't planning on letting this go

"Why does it matter anyway" I asked abit irritated

"Duh you're my mother your feelings do matter to me and I don't wanna put you in any awkward situation I wanna know if you're ok with this or not" she explained I looked at her again and shook my head she really is maturing.

"This doesn't bother me baby, Todd and I decided together that we wanted a divorce, I knew this was going to happen. We both need to move in which is why I'm considering going back to dating again" I don't know why I was saying this to Tia but she's my daughter anyway. She smiled at me and I looked at her confused

"So you're finally gonna go out with my father, coz he's been waiting ya know" she said causing me to shake my head, why is my child so nosy today ?

"Maybe, maybe not" I said dismissing her and she laughed out loud.

We arrive at the North Oaks Shopping Center, I found a parking space. Then text Todd he text back immediately saying that they were waiting outside the theater. We made our way to were they were and we found them waiting just in front of the theatre

"Daddy" Tia jumped like a little girl into Todd's arms and he caught her

"Hey princess, he said matching her excitement they hugged for a few, then they broke it and he turns to me

"Bey" he said inviting me for a hug and I gladly accepted it "Hi Todd"

"Looking good as always " he said eyeing me as soon as we broke the hug, i blushed a little at his comment

"Thank you, you lol good too you know" i said politely and he chuckled

"Bey this is my fiance Melisa, but you can call her Lissa, baby this is my ex wife Beyoncé and our beautiful daughter Tiara" he said introducing us to the beautiful dark skinned woman that was standing right next to him, she looked the same age as me, i guess he like them young lol.

"Hi nice to finally meet you Beyoncé I've heard a lot about you and you too Tiara" she said reaching for an hand shake and i took it and responded "like wise" she smile.

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