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I thought for a minute of what I was going to say because it looked like Shawn didn't know how to get out of this one.

"He was on his way to work but I called him, I needed to talk to him" I lied
She looked at him and shook her head

"Couldn't it wait till later when he's off work?"

"No Kelly I needed my answers, I couldn't wait any longer" I said with an attitude,I already didn't like her so I really didn't need her all up in my business otherwise things would turn ugly.


"Yes answers, I move to New York and when I come back not only is he engaged to you my so called best friend but ya'll have a child together, how you think that makes me feel?"

"Beyoncé you left him" she said In a more calmer tone

"Correction I was forced to leave and you couldn't wait to jump to the opportunity as soon as it was presented to you, huh?" They all looked at me like I said something wrong, they can't judge me that's just the way I feel.

"Bey I need you need to calm down, we're here to fix things and not make them worse. I understand your point I probably would have felt the same If I was in your position but can we like talk about this like grown ups" Solange said, I slowly nodded my head Kelly's lucky I value my sister's opinion otherwise I'd be all up in her grill right at this moment and she knows how crazy I get when I'm pushed that hasn't changed I hope she realizes it.

We all went to sit down on the sofas, me sitting next to Solo across Kelly, Jay and my mom. I still couldn't believe that I was seeing my momma after all these year. I wasn't sure if I was had forgiven her for sending me to New York or not but I was happy to be able to see her face again.

"Ok so ya'll wanted to talk ' I said specifically facing Solange.

"Beyoncé I know this is all half my fault I should have never let you go to New York and I'm sorry" mom spoke first breaking the ice

"Mom don't make it sound like I wanted to go there you forced me I begged you but no you were so determined to get rid of me. You never listened to anything I said, sure what Shawn and I did was wrong but there were the ways you could've punished me other than sending me away, so yeah just so you know I do blame you for everything"

She slowly nodded her head with tears falling off her eyes, I kinda felt bad for what I just said yes she may have been the one who separated Shawn and i but she didn't force them to have sex, they did that on their own so I can't blame it all on her.

"I'm not saying everything is your fault ma but this could've been avoided but I guess It don't matter no more cause it all happened " I added a lot more calm then I was before

"I'm sorry Bey but like you said Shawn and I are engaged now...a lot of things changed since you been gone...im sorry I really hope that one day things could go back to the way they were between us coz I really miss you" Kelly finally said after a few seconds of silence. I looked at her for a second and then shook my head.

"Like I told Shawn earlier on, I'm not against the fact that the two of you have move on with ya'll lives, but I don't think that we could ever go back to the way we were when we were teenagers. It's awkward enough being in the same room with the two of you and I know this don't matter to you but just so you know I'm totally against ya'll relationship I could never accept it, I'm sorry but that's just the way it is."

"Totally understandable Bey, I know I'd feel the same if I was in your shoes" Shawn said and I smiled lightly at him and he returned it. Kelly was staring hard at he both of us, I really don't give two shits about what's going on in her mind.
We continued talking but now the conversations were just friendly us catching up and laughing about everything that we used to do before I went to New York. I gotta say it was great to connect with them again, though there was some awkwardness in the process mostly me, Kels and Jay I still enjoyed all four of them.

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