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After we made our sandwiches we decided to go chill in the lounge with my mom and Shawn. I know you probably wondering why am I calling him by his name and not 'dad' or anything like that, its just that I'm still used to Todd being my dad this is new to me and plus I feel like I'm not being fair to my dad ( Todd ) if I just go ahead and call Shawn dad when he's the one that raised me. I am glad that I found my real dad but its not how I pictured it to be before we met, we just don't have any kinda relationship at all like he and Normani have, which makes things harder for us.

Anyways I went to sit on my mother's lap just because I felt like just sitting there. She looked at me and just shook her head

"You need to stop acting like a baby you're thirteen now and a teenager" mom said while running her hand through my hair and I smiled

"But I'll always be your baby girl so its whatever" she just looked at me and shook her head again

"Normani and I are gonna go out for a while, Julez go take a nap we'll be back in a few" mom said and I looked at her like she has done lost her mind, she's my mother she should be going our with me not Normani

"Why am i not invited ?" I said with a bit of an attitude

"Because you're not and I need to get to know Normani any ways" she said standing up from the couch

"But aunty I'm not sleepy" Julez said interrupting

"Whatever Julez go to my room and find something to do" He sucked his teeth and left the room.

"Mom how you gon go out with Normani and leave me here alone ?"

"You're not alone Tia you're with Shawn, Your father" I turned to look at Shawn and he had this big smile on his face and suddenly I got what they were trying to do, they think they're slick

"Mom I know what you tryna do here" I said raising my eyebrow like she usually does on me and she only smirked

"Good now we'll see ya'll later then, lets go Manibear" she said and just like that they were out the door. I was officially left with Shawn...great.

"Sooo what do we do now that we alone" I asked flopping next to him on the couch

"How about we also go out and talk a lil bit just to get to know each other" He said and I nodded.

I quickly went to check on my cousin and indeed he was asleep, what a good boy he is. Then I went to my aunt Giselle just to alert her that we were going out for a while, she was sitting at the edge of the bed looks like she just woke up.

"Hey auntie, Shawn and I are going out for a while. Mom Is also out for a while so its only you and grandma in the house" I said poking my head from her door

"alright baby, have fun" I turned to walk away but turned again

"Oh and my cousin Daniel's asleep in my mom's room" she nodded and I walked away going in the leaving room to where Shawn was

"ok I'm ready" I said and we left


Shawn and I decided to go the bowling alley and I tell ya'll I had the time of my life, oh and he also let me win which was great coz I'm a very competitive person and I hate losing. After bowling we went to eat at McDonald's after we had received our food we settled down ready to talk.

"So you wanted to "talk" " I said whilst busy attacking my burger

"Yeah, tell me how you feel about me being your father and finally being In your life?" He asked a bit hesitant

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