Untitled Part 8

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Twelve years later

After I told Todd the whole truth I took a good look at him trying to figure out how he was taking everything. I couldn't quite read his expression he kept it straight and simple. I took a deep breath before speaking again

"I'm sorry Todd I just wanted to do what was best for my baby at the time not to mention the fact that I was very young so I was bound to make some stupid decisions" I said while looking straight I his eyes

"So does this Shawn guy knows that you have a baby"

"He knows but doesn't know that she is actually his, I also wasn't 100 % sure if he was yours or his and Shawn was very young at the time he couldn't have been able to raise a child while you on the other hand was ready to be a daddy and you and Tia had a stable relationship and ya'll were very close I didn't wanna ruin that with only suspicions" I said while taking the last sip of my glass of wine. He let out a huge sigh

"So what now?" He asked sounding defeated

"I don't know its up to you if you wanna continue being in her life or not I can not make any decision for you"

"You know Bey i cant continue raising another man's daughter while he knows nothing about. It was better when i was also in the dark but now that i know its gonna be real difficult" he stated and i nodded in understanding.

This was far the hardest thing I've ever had to do and it was heavy on my heart all this years trying to avoid it was the worst part of it all but now im glad that its all out now, we can finally live our own lives, with no more secretes and there's nothing I've been longing for more than that.

"I understand and don't worry I'll talk to Tia and make her understand that you're not her real daddy and tell her about who her real father is when she gets home tomorrow" he slowly nodded his head

"I'll come by to see her tomorrow" i kinda felt bad for him its not easy loving a child for twelve years and then find out that they not even yours, that sucks but hey what can i do now.

"I guess this is it for us" He said while standing up, i think he was ready to go so i stood up too.

"Yeah this is it, i just want you to know that no matter what I will always love you and forever be grateful for what you did for me and my baby girl" He smiled for the first time this evening
"I'll always love you too BB but i think divorce is best for the both of us" that had me feeling some kinda way but I brushed it off and kept my smile

"I agree, have a nice life Todd" we hugged for what felt like forever and then he let go after a while and then left.

After he left I remained seated in the chair thinking about my life and the kind of decisions that I've made in the past, most of them were selfish and they needed to be fixed and the first step was for me to tell my baby and the family the truth then make things right with my other family back in Houston and maybe just maybe call Shawn and tell him about Tia, but I still needed to figure that one out because i know for sure Tia's gonna want to know who her real daddy is but I'll worry about it when it happens.


The next morning I woke up took a shower and got dressed. I went to get Tiara 's room ready for her, she's been at the hospital for a month and a half now her room sure did need some spring cleaning. My sister had offered to bring her back from the hospital and I didn't mind at all it gave me some time to do all the necessities around the house.

After I had finished with my cleaning I decided to go and make myself a sandwich cos my stomach was groaning. It was now 12:45 Giselle and Tia were on their way now, I went to sit at the dinning room to eat my food while I waited for Tia and Giselle. Fifteen minutes later I heard the front door open and I knew it was them

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