knowing kurt

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Omg did he just say that?Like..does he want to know me better or something??And why would he want to be ALONE with me?
Me:uhhh me?
ku:yes you
He Said with a chuckle..he was pretty cute..neither..he was hot and attractive.
Me:okay i guess
i say walking towards the couch..i sit besides him.
Ku:so uhh..Crys?
He said exhaling looked artsy
Me:yeah but the real names Crystal but keep calling me Crys..if you know..
Im so awkward
Me:and you are kurt right?
ku:yeah..kurt cobain
Me:kurt cocaine?
i said jokingly.He stopped smoking his cigarette..and he faces me this stern look.omg what did i just say?Im so damn stupid..from all the things..i had to say kurt cacaine.His blue eyes burning into mine.He stared at me for like 20 seconds..he had a super poker face, and out of nowhere..he bursts into laughter.
ku:kurt cocaine!
he said laughing..i laughed with him..but nervously.
Ku:i like that..kurt cocaine
He said thinking about
Me:hey i really didnt mean to offend you really
Ku:eh its okay...ive tried cocaine before
He said as he continued to smoke his cigarette.
Me:oh really??
Me:oh okay
Ku:so..what kind of bands do you like?
i thought for a second..then i answered
Me:well i like metallica,acdc,who,queen, led zeppelin , the melvins ,aerosmith..
i looked his face and he had an amazed expression, so i stopped
Ku:you and i are twins as in music tasste
He said still wearing his amazed expression.
Me:you thinks so?
ku:well yeah, i love all of those bands, you have great taste in music
Me:well you too i guess
I said With an awkward smile.Typical me , the awkward one. He just chuckled.
ku:so uhh, Crystalll?
me:oh.uh Crystal roberts
ku:well i cant think of a drug that rhymes with roberts so youre just crys
he said chuckling. I just giggled
ku:nevermind that, back to what i was saying..what is music to you?
he asked staring into my eyes. I thought for a sec, i need to say this in the right way, i have serious problems with public speaking, it always ends up as a mess. I finally thought about something.
Me:music for me is the only thing that keeps me alive, its like my drug, its like a person that speaks to me and understands me, and with that a beat that touches my heart and makes my adrenaline go crazy..thats what music is to me.

He just stared at me with such compassion.

Ku:wow..i feel the same way


ku:well yeah, ive tried to take my life away several times, and music always seems to just keep me away from doing it, atleast for one more day.

Me:youre suicidal too?

he looked at me with a confused expression.


me: yeah, well im suicidal, i mean i...

I stopped, i cant believe im openning my feelings to a stranger just like this. Im never this sincere about how i feel with anyone, just with Stan, and sometimes its difficult to do it even with HIM. I dont tell stan EVERYTHING , its just i find everything so personal.
I suddenly feel a hand on top of mine, i looked and it was kurts. He was rubbing my hand..omg....what the fuck? im probably shaking right now.

Ku:keep going

Said kurt very interested, like if he really cared, maybe he does. He kept rubbing my right hand. It felt really weird but nevermind.

Me:well uhh, that im suicidal and i have a ton of pills, like deppression pills, well, anti deppression pills actually, and pain relief pills, and um...aspirin and shit , and unnecessary pills, i just swallow like five to see if i can just you know, die, not that 5 pills are actually gonna kill me, i think i need a little more but at the sane AFRAID of dying. I mean i know its stupid but, im not that sure if i wanna die. You get me? Well probably not.

I finished with a nervous chuckle, what i just said actually sounded stupid. He just kept rubbing my hand , it was sweet.

Ku:i do

I looked at him with a confused face

me: you do??

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