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We were on our way to bail these guys out.
Ch: okay, so what happened was that Krist was drunk, and then he started saying certain things, and then he kissed you?

Me: yes

Ch: and Kurt saw..

Me: yes yes. The typical fighting for a girl fight.

Chad nodded. We were almost there.

D: Its on your right Chad
Chad went to the right. I stepped out the car instantly. Chad and Daniela followed me. I went inside the police station.

Hi may i help you Miss?

Me: yeah. I want yo bail my boyfriend and friends

Which are?

Me: a blonde guy and two others with long hair

Oh, one of them was drunk and the other one had a bloody nose?

She was referring to Dave

Me: yeah, those
I said with a sigh

How old are you?

Me: 16

Sorry, you have to be 18 or olde-

Ch: IM 18 and older
He interrupted the woman. She looked startled

How old exactly? May i ask

Ch: 20

Fine, old enough

The woman let us in and we followed a buff cop to where they were at.
The three of them were in a different cell. Im 100% sure why they had to separate them.
Kurt was sitting on the floor inside his cell. Krist was still dozing off. And Dave had a napkin placed on his nose for the blood i suppose. When the three of them saw me, they were happy.

Alright, youve been bailed out by... Whats your name miss?
Asked the buff cop

Me: uhh Crystal

By Crystal.
He unlocked Kurt's cell first. I went and hugged Kurt. He was cold.

Me: baby, youre freezing

Ku: its fucking cold in there
He mumbled. When they unlocked Krist, he just kept walking through the hall. He probably left. Dave went to Chad and Chad was making fun of his bloody nose.

When we arrived to the hotel room, Kurt and i quickly went to our room.

Ku: im sorry

Me: for what?

Ku: getting fucking arrested

Me: oh Kurt. Im not mad
I said walking to him and placing my hand on his cheek.

Ku: you should be though
He mumbled

Me: why?

Ku: cuz im stupid

Me: no, cuz you got arrested because of me. I should be the one who should be apologizing

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