Chapter 21

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Previously on Borders...

"She got married and got settled in Gwalior, and my teacher soon retired after her marriage," He buried his face in his hands to cry.

"I still don't get why you'd not accept me, even after she'd left your life long back," I said.

"Because she's my first love," He looked at me with bloodshot eyes.

"And you are my first love," I said, smiling through my tears.

"Harpreet?" He called, shocked by what I said.

I raised my palm into the air, "Don't worry, I wouldn't be a pain in your life, at the end of the day everything was about your life, love and happiness anyway," I chuckled through my agony, and stormed out of the room, despite hearing him calling my name.


He was like an ailment, he weakened me, but yet, I knew he was a part of me. 

As I walked out of the room, I knew that I had changed something. But the voice of my mind was too loud to realise that. 

I walked down the stairs to the living room, lying down on the long sofa. The room turned silent, which was loud with our voices of anger, earlier.

 I thought of my parents, who I wanted to meet and say that they'd made a mistake. But doing that would be the most foolish thing since I knew that there was no point in turning back.

I didn't expect him to come after me, nor did I want him to. He didn't have a place for me in his heart anyway. The thought made my heart lose its rhythm, since I couldn't just face my problems with a heart of steel.

My eyes felt dry and painful as the tears flowed from my eyes reluctantly. I closed them, hoping to get some peace of mind. The angered voices in my head, sung me a song of sorrow to sleep.


My eyes felt the rays of the sun, as I woke up from my deep slumber. I placed a palm on my forehead, unable to bear the pain that I felt there. I raised my neck to see that I was covered with a blanket up to my waist.

I looked at the windows which let in the morning Sun as I realised that I'd woken up late, and I also had to prepare breakfast for Zain.

I roughly moved away the blanket from my body to go to Zain's room to wake him up. But a yelp from the kitchen, made me feel alarmed.

I walked up to a sight that I hadn't ever seen, or imagined. 

"Zain!" I called him, in concern, as I saw blood dripping from his fingers. I quickly tore my dupatta, and tied it tightly around his fingers, as he looked at me with eyes wide in shock.

"Why did you do this to yourself?" I cried.

"What do you mean?" He asked, sounding amused.

"Why would you try to take away your life, Zain?" I asked.

"Who said I was? I was cutting vegetables,"

My head suddenly turned to see a chopping board with chopped carrots with a blood-stained knife. My heart and mind couldn't believe it. Why was he doing this to me?

"Harpreet, were you worried ab-"

I hugged him, wailing loudly, as he embraced me back. He buried his head in my neck, as I felt  his tears on my shoulder.

"I was afraid of losing you, Zain," I said as I pulled away.

"Why were you? I was here all the time," He smiled, making the day brighter than ever.

He raised his hands to cup my cheeks, "I am sorry, for whatever I have done to you,"

I looked down as he spoke those words. 

"Look at me, Harpreet," He gently whispered.

"I would do whatever it takes to heal your wounds, like how you healed mine," He said, leaning in to touch my lips with his. I didn't realise what the moment was offering me, but all I felt was the numbness one feels when you're satisfied and complete.




IK this is a small chapter, but did something great come out of it!? HELL YEAAH! 

I MADE AN EDIT FOR ZARPREET *_* Please check it out in the multimedia section.

If you're not Punjabi, the main line of the song means, "How can I make you understand, that I can't live without you," That totally explains this chapter.

So shoutout to my girls AshaMalik-Padukone and endlxss ! It was so amazing talking to them : Go check out their stories! Like they're amazing! Trust me

Till then



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