Chapter 4

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Previously on Borders...

"So is that a yes, Zain?" Aminah asked.

I could almost read his mind. Something was bothering him, but nonetheless he looked at me, although for a split second, I almost died of fear. 

"Yes," He finally said, and his relatives cheered as it fell from his mouth.


I sighed deeply, smiling as those words fell from his mouth. It felt like the moment was slowing down, as I felt him looking at me, as I observed how my relatives and his, were  celebrating the union of two families.

But Zain's face looked as if those words were the wrongest that has ever fallen from his mouth. He looked slightly surprised at how there was a sudden increase in volume. I was used to noise, I was a Punjabi... he was too. But something made him cringe at all of what was happening right in front of him.

British culture. I mentally huffed in annoyance. Though I liked him, I despised how he was against Indian culture, despite of being one himself. 

He was still looking at me.

Uncomfortable at the attention I was receiving from him, I finally bulit up the courage in me and looked at him, and he immediately turned his head in a different direction. Well, I thought, smiling to myself.

Time went back to its normal pace...

As the crowd subsided their happiness, my Mother ruined it, "Harpreet's not so great at cooking, she just learning bit- by- bit, y'know," Mother said, looking at Aminah, who surprisingly smiled in an understanding way.

"Oh, Kirran, those are the least of my worries! The biggest concern is to treat her just like my daughter... she would a perfect bride for Zain, don't you think so, Zain?" Aminah looked at Zain for an opinion....


He didn't reply, instead, he just gave  a very 'forced' smile, just in the name of formality.

"So when do we keep the engagement and wedding?" My father asked.

"The sooner the better... in two weeks?" Smiled Yaser.

"Two weeks? Yaser, they must get to know each other don't you think?" Father asked.

"Aman, I feel they're already perfect for each other..."

"But the marriage, and all the other festivities before the wedding, should be conducted from the girl's side, right? .. I have to plan according to the budget..."

"Leave all that to me, Aman.."


"-No, I'm telling you, it's my son's and your daughter's wedding, shouldn't I take part in this too?" Yaser said, getting slightly emotional to make his friend understand.

"Now, you can't say no to that, can you?" Aminah smiled warmly, adjusting her scarf.

There, as quick as a flash, my wedding was fixed... I was slightly frightened at the pace, things were happening, the coming two weeks, were going to change my entire life. 

Everything, from  my environment, my lifestyle... everything would be changed under the contract of union, marriage.


I just needed a glimpse of him, and now all that I could think of, every waking moment, everytime I fell asleep, everytime someone mentioned his name, and when I coyly smiled, looking the distance.. I was thinking of him.

Borders || Zayn Malik AU #MissionDesiWhere stories live. Discover now