Chapter 17

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Previously on Borders...

"Look, Harpreet, let me make one thing clear to you, I don't want you to visit, or let anyone visit or meet you, when I'm not available, unless it is the fruit and vegetable vendor..."

"So what should I do if someone rings the bell?" I asked.

"Just don't respond, eventually they'll go away," He resumed, eating his food.

"So what if it's someone important?" I asked.

"No more questions please, I don't talk while I eat..." He said.

"Are going to eat your food?" He asked, not bothering to look at me.

"No, I'm going to sleep," I said, with my voice quivering.

"Well, whatever you consider to be fine, I can't compel you to do anything..." He said, and I thought how ironic it was when he said that he never forced me to do anything. I walked away, taking away my plate and tumbler while he said, "Don't forget to boil a glass of milk for me before you sleep,"


I slowly nodded, as my brain processed every word that he'd shot against me. I ran to the kitchen, before the tumbler and plate would fall from my hands. My body shivered, in embarrassment, agony, pain and inferiority. 

As soon as I reached the kitchen, I placed the objects back to the shelf, with great difficulty, as I kept wailing. I silenced my tears. I didn't want Zain to think that I was weak.

I applied my newly- learned skill of lighting the stove. My heart raced, as I frantically turned on the stove, slightly relieved as it was successful.

I wiped my tears, and waited for the milk to boil. I didn't want to exit the room. I was too scared of him seeing me, and rejoicing at my fate.


I poured the lukewarm glass of milk on to the tumbler, and carefully walked up to the dining hall, minding to keep a placid expression. 

But to my surprise, he wasn't there.

I sighed, seeing that he had left the food, as it was, on the table, his glass of water, half- full.

I looked around, "Zain!" I called out, and the walls answered me back with my own voice.

"Zain, where are you?" I asked, feeling slightly nervous. I looked outside the house, to see whether he was sitting in the veranda

But he wasn't there either. 

So I decided to climb up the stairs, thinking that he must have been asleep. The stairs took me to the next floor, which led to a lengthy corridor, at the end of which were two rooms. My heart beat, found back its pace as I saw the lights of our room, switched on.

"Zain," I called out in a lower voice as I approached the room. Just then, I could hear a 'thud-like' sound. I rushed to see what'd happened. I saw Zain standing near the wardrobe, that he had warned me not to open.

His face was red, and confused, and I felt slightly intimidated by his look. Without saying a word, he took the glass tumbler from me, and began sipping. He furrowed his eye-brows, looking at me.

He gulped the liquid, "It's  cold..." He whispered.

My agony turned into anger, as those words fell from his mouth. "I'm sorry, I can't heat it again," I said, in a slightly vexed tone. Although, I had never talked that way to Zain, within the few hours of our marriage, I had to. He'd pushed to the extent, where I'd forgotten how to speak to an older man.

He raised his eye-brows, smirking. "It must have cooled down, while I was searching for you..." I said, reducing my volume, making it sound feeble, like it was, moments earlier.

"You have a smart mouth, Harpreet... but just make sure not to use it with me," He said, handing me the milk back. "I'm done," He muttered.

"I can heat it again for you," I suggesting, not wanting to hurt his feelings.

He folded his hands. "Oh please, you don't need to take the trouble," He sarcastically spoke, and I looked down in embarrassment.

"I'm sorry, Zain.." I said, my voice shaking, feeling hurt. I clearly knew that I had no reason to apologize to him.

"Oh Harpreet," He chuckled. "The word 'sorry' should be used by people, who sticks to their promise of not committing mistakes over again, and you clearly have no right to say it," He spewed his anger. I stood still, listening.

"What have I done wrong to suffer this way?" He muttered, turning away from me, and crawling up to the bed. He acted like there was nobody present in the room other than him. He switched off the lights and lamps, whilst I stood, tears flowing down my eyes, as I stood in the dark.


Hey guys! I know it's been a long while, since I had updated this book. It was primarily because there was no internet at home for three weeks!? I had planned on updating earlier than that, but then that happened.

My exams are over! But my practical exams for my third term examinations will start on 20th Dec. :P The struggles are never ending :3

Just to let you guys know, this book will probably get over in 40 chapters, since this book takes place over a period of time, so I will be highlighting certain events of each year, but don't worry, I will definitely mention, how many days, weeks, months or years later the next event'd happened. 

I am planning to make this a short story, unlike TDBA :p Speaking of which, I will be updating it tomorrow :3 

Support me as you do always! And read AshaMalik-Padukone and Beautiful1DLads's works ;3

Till then,



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