Chapter 20

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Previously on Borders...

I wish you had another occupation, well, who am I to decide? But it saddens me that you will have to stay away from me, often...


I couldn't read the rest of the letter before I threw it away after I tore it to shreds. I picked up the box and pulled out its contents, bringing out more of her photos, and letters and poems that he wrote about her. All of it finally landed on the floor.


Warning: Too emotional. Tissues will be required.

I sat in the corner of the room, on the floor. My strained eyes stared at the letters and photographs which were laid haphazardly on the floor. I took in a deep breath and rested the back of my head on the wall. My tears blurred my vision, and I closed my eyes as the drops of agony streamed down my cheeks.

I couldn't believe the only man I loved and sacrificed my joy for, loved another. I realised that the world wasn't a place to be viewed through rose- tinted glasses. 

I lifted my head to see the man standing by the door of the room, "You opened my wardrobe?" Zain yelled, eyeing the pieces of paper scattered on the floor.

"Yes, I did!" I answered back.

"Who gave you the permission to spy on my things, while I'm away?" He asked.

I stood up from where I was sitting, "Who's Nabeela?" I questioned him back.

"Who are you talking about?" He eyed me sharply.

"Your heart, your soul, your everything," I quoted from what he'd written at the back of her photograph.

Zain pinched the bridge of his nose. "Why did you open my wardrobe, Harpreet?" He asked me again.

"I needed answers, Zain! When I was ready to leave all my joy for you, I wanted to know why you failed to realize every attempt of mine to make you happy," I cried.

I walked up to him, the closest I'd ever been to him since the three months of our marriage. I held the collar of his shirt and he tried pulling away, but with little effort, which made it feel like he didn't want to pull away.

"What was so special about her that you still seek her presence?" I whispered, my words being stern and vivid.

He looked away, "She's married, Harpreet," He said, his voice quivered.

"Then why do you still keep her pictures, her possessions and her photographs with you?" I slightly shook him.

"I can't answer that, now leave me alone," He nonchalantly said, trying to withdraw from my hold.

"I just can't leave you like that, Zain! I want to know why I am being tortured this way-"I hardened my grip on him.

"I said I can't answer you, Harpreet! Should I make myself any clearer?" He raised his tone.

"You must, Zain! I don't want to be the fool who gave up everything for nothing in return-"

He grabbed my neck and pushed me away, causing me to land on the floor. I didn't feel any pain, I cried looking at my husband.

"Just mind your own business!" He said, and turned to walk away.

I crawled up to his feet and wrapped my hands around his leg. "Tell me, please," I begged. I looked at his expression changing, turning softer by the second. He bent down, and  gently lifted me to bring me to his level.

"Please sit," He said, and made me sit on the bed. He stood in front of me, looking at me with pity, which I didn't want from him.

"If you were assuming that Nabeela and I were lovers, you were right," He said, with a seriousness that made me cringe with fear.

"Her father used to train me back then, Major Ibrahim Baig," He said her Father's name with sheer tenderness.

" I was his favourite trainee, and since I was close to him, I used to visit his house frequently, I used to run errands and do small favours and jobs for him," He looked away in reminiscence.

"And there I met her, it was love at first sight, we were in love for five years, till her father found out about us and fixed her engagement with another man, and there ended my teacher's relationship with me, and so did Nabeela's," He paused to cough his tears.

"Nabeela wanted to elope with me, but I didn't want to since I didn't want to cause her Father any more pain, but my love for her stayed the same," He said.

"And one night she came to my room, begging me to take her to Lahore, and wed her, I tried to send her back to her home, saying that I was poor and I didn't have a stable income, but she insisted on spending the rest of her life with me," He placed his palm on his face.

"She thought that I was hesitant to take her to Lahore as my parents wouldn't allow it, but I wasn't," A tear escaped from his eye. It was for the first time I'd seen him cry.

"So she gave me a ring made of gold, that she wore, to me, asking me to sell it for money for our marriage and our life thereafter,"

"But her Father came to know of her leaving the house, and took her away from me that night,"

"She got married and got settled in Gwalior, and my teacher soon retired after her marriage," He buried his face in his hands to cry.

"I still don't get why you'd not accept me, even after she'd left your life long back," I said.

"Because she's my first love," He looked at me with bloodshot eyes.

"And you are my first love," I said, smiling through my tears.

"Harpreet?" He called, shocked by what I said.

I raised my palm into the air, "Don't worry, I wouldn't be a pain in your life, at the end of the day everything was about your life, love and happiness anyway," I chuckled through my agony, and stormed out of the room, despite hearing him calling my name.


I am still fangirling over It's you! Primarily because Zayn's look is just like Zain's look in this book. The tux, the hair ahhh *_*


So guys! This chapter was quite intense i know! Please leave in your comments, I love reading them :3 I was shocked on receiving 60 comments on the previous chapter, like that was the first time I had seen that on Borders.

I love you guys! Please do support me this way, always.

Please do check out AshaMalik-Padukone and Beautiful1DLads works :)



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