Chapter 16

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Previously on Borders...

"I'm afraid, we could meet some other time, the truth is I don't want your husband to find out that I'd come here.." She said.

"Why?" I asked.

"He's different from the rest of the people staying here... well, it will be great if you'd be able to join us at the tea party at my house... every lady from the colony would be there! It will be a huge opportunity for you to meet many people..." She suggested.

"I'd love to come!" I said, "but I will check with him as well..." I immediately added.

"Okay... as you wish... but you're always welcome to my home at any time..." She said, smiling.

"Bye, Harpreet... it was a pleasure meeting you.." Jeanette bid farewell.

"Bye..." I said, as she walked away.


I closed the door, happily, since I'd made a new friend in the colony. All this while, judging by their appearances, I had thought that the people here wouldn't even want to associate with me. But befriending Jeanette, made me realize otherwise.

But her words had left me quite puzzled. I was slightly afraid, looking at the way she neglected any kind of mention or matter regarding Zain. I'd thought that I was the only one who'd felt that Zain was a little bit too far from what one would describe to be 'normal'... the only word I could describe him with, would be 'intimidating'.

I wondered what it'd be like in those parties Jeanette was talking about. I knew I would be completely a different person to them, but I hoped that spending time with the residents here, might make me more knowledgeable and intelligent, and probably Zain would accept me then.

I refused to eat my lunch, since it'd been five in the evening by the time Jeanette'd left. All of my feelings of hunger'd vanished, and I'd packed the food in a container so that Zain can have it for dinner.


I sat on the sofa in the living room, looking at the pitch darkness outside, through the window. My mind traveled everywhere, I thought about my parents, who probably would be wondering how I was, I couldn't even write to them. I decided to ask Zain, if I could post a letter soon, to my parents in Amritsar, and even write to Zain's family as well.

I missed Jasleen and Abinaash, and their rambunctiousness. Their innocence, with a touch of naughtiness, made my eyes water in reminiscence, as I thought of them. I even thought of Waliyha and Safaa, who also had become a part of my list of younger siblings. And my new elder sister Doniya, whom I had only spent a while with, yet had given me a few good memories to think of.

The bell rang again, for the second time. The 'gong-like' sound of the bell, reiterated through the house, which only consisted of me, and the ghosts of my thoughts.

I went up to the door, opening it to see Zain, his eyes void of the energy it had. I smiled, looking at him, while he eyed the ground. 

"Greetings," I said, and he raised his palm to the air, and entered the house without saying a word back to me. My smile faded as he made his way to the house, carrying a briefcase in one hand, while loosening  his tie with the other. He turned back, with an angered expression, and I wondered what would fall from his mouth now.

"Don't to know that it's manners to take my briefcase as I enter the house?" He asked. I didn't know if a law such as that had ever existed. And secondly, no one ever carried a brief case in my family.

"I'm sorry, Zain, here, I will take it," I said, trying to take away the briefcase from him, which he refused. "Oh, you don't need to do it," He said mockingly.

"I will do it by myself," He mumbled angrily, placing the leather-box roughly on the floor. "I shouldn't have sent away Jamnabai, she knew everything I needed..." He said, comparing me once again to his prior servant.

"Zain, please give me the time, I will  adjust here soon, I will make sure to not make blunders again..." I softly said.

"I don't know... I just don't know..." He muttered. 

"Have you prepared dinner? I'm starving," He said, changing the topic.

"Yes, I will arrange the table for us," I said, running to the kitchen, wiping away the tears which ran down my face while I walked.


I served him the rice which Jeanette had made, on a plate, and poured him a glass of water. I observed his eyes on my face as I placed the glass on the side of the plate. I looked at him, and he immediately looked away, in an expression which I could only describe as embarrassment.

I waited for him to consume his first bite, looking at his expression as he chewed the food. I gasped as he immediately started choking. I rushed to provide him a glass of water which he moved away from my hand.

"What have you served me? Do you even call this food!?"

"What's wrong?" I asked.

"There's too much salt in it, it seems that you've poured all the sea salt from the Karachi sea shore onto the rice!" He said, taking a sip from his tumbler, while I took a bite from his plate, which earned a growl from him. He placed the glass on the table, giving out a thud. 

"Why are you eating from my plate?" He asked, like a selfish child. I wondered what was wrong in doing so.

"There's nothing wrong with the food, Zain, and moreover, Mr. D'Souza's wife had come over to make it for me," I corrected, and I bit my tongue, thinking of what I'd just said. I'd completely forgotten about Jeanette warning me about not telling him that she'd come here.

"Wait, what? Why would his wife come here?" He asked, changing the topic from her food, to her.

There was no turning back now, I nervously spoke, "Well, she'd come to visit me, and seeing that I didn't know how to prepare the meal, she lent me help, and also invited me to the party at her house,"

"You let in another person into this house, without my permission?" He asked.

"I- I..." I stammered, and finally sighed, admitting defeat. There was no point in defending myself, since he already had all his arguments prepared in advance. I remained silent.

"Look, Harpreet, let me make one thing clear to you, I don't want you to visit, or let anyone visit or meet you, when I'm not available, unless it is the fruit and vegetable vendor..."

"So what should I do if someone rings the bell?" I asked.

"Just don't respond, eventually they'll go away," He resumed, eating his food.

"So what if it's someone important?" I asked.

"No more questions please, I don't talk while I eat..." He said.

"Are going to eat your food?" He asked, not bothering to look at me.

"No, I'm going to sleep," I said, with my voice quivering.

"Well, whatever you consider to be fine, I can't compel you to do anything..." He said, and I thought how ironic it was when he said that he never forced me to do anything. I walked away, taking away my plate and tumbler while he said, "Don't forget to boil a glass of milk for me before you sleep,"





Borders || Zayn Malik AU #MissionDesiМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя