Chapter 15

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Previously on Borders...

"I am really sorry, Zain... I didn't mean to pry on your personal things..." I defended myself.

"Of course, you didn't!" He sarcastically laughed off my words.

I rubbed my forehead, worried, as I wasn't able to defend myself.

"I will be having food from outside today, you needn't prepare anything for me now... you can prepare lunch for yourself, I will be home only by dinner..." He abruptly ended the fire that he started, and left the room.

After a few moments I heard the faint sound of the main door shutting, and I realized that he was gone.


Tears flowed from my eyes, which I shut tight, controlling my sobs which were threatening to come out, loud. I took the support of the handle of the wardrobe, to let out my distress.

I spent a few moments looking at the wooden closet, wondering what would be there, that was so important to Zain that he was trying to hide it from me. I wiped my tears off, and I headed downstairs... taking each step nervously as the room had a frighteningly- muted silence.

I walked to the kitchen for the first time, and it was a complete contrast to the kitchen back home in Amritsar, and even in Lahore. My Mother and Zain's, both used just a pit with wooden logs to cook... but here things looked quite different.

There was just a box, on which two circular rims were situated, and attached to it was a cylinder, kept below the level of the box. I observed the machine with fear, I didn't know what in the world it was... was it an unworldly appliance? Or was it something else?

I stared at it closely, unable to recollect it from my memories of seeing somewhere.

I gasped, and jolted up, as the doorbell rang. My stomach clenched as I realized the sound had echoed through the entire mansion...

I slowly walked up to the door, carefully opening it. The door revealed, a young woman of my kind, dressed in Western clothes. A skirt below her knees, a silk blouse, with a blue hue, and a purse held tight in her hands, and a smile that brought one to mine, instantly.

"Yes, may I help you?" I asked.

"I am Jeanette D'Souza, I live across the street... my husband must have come to meet you both," She said referring to Zain and I.

"Oh yes, please do come in!" I gestured her to come inside. She stopped in her tracks to speak.

"You must be..." She paused, as she didn't know my name.

"Harpreet... Harpreet Singh.." I smiled.

"I wouldn't blame my husband for guessing that it was a love marriage," She chuckled.

"Why?" I asked.

"You both look perfect for each other... like a match made in heaven!" She said.

I laughed to myself... only if she'd known.

"Thank you.." I said, while a blush crept to my cheeks, without any warning.

"So where are you from, Jeanette?"

"I am from Bombay, I'd just gotten married to Thomas," She said, referring to Mr. D'Souza, "...a few years back."

It looked quite absurd as Jeanette was a quite young- looking woman, and her husband, to be honest, looked as old as Zain's father.

"I know what you're thinking, he is much older than I am... I'd met him whilst he was working in Mumbai...we fell in love, and now we're here, happily living with two children.." She cheerily spoke.

Borders || Zayn Malik AU #MissionDesiWhere stories live. Discover now