Chapter 8

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Hermione felt consciousness slowly begin to settle over her, along with the feeling that someone was placing soft kisses along her neck.

She mumbled something unintelligibly and Draco chuckled, pressing a kiss right below her ear that caused her to let out a soft moan.

"I could get used to waking up like this." she hummed, half asleep.

She felt Draco's breath ghost across her neck as he chuckled and said, "I could get used to waking you up like this...and several other ways."

She twisted so she was looking at him, very much aware of the sexual innuendo behind his words and smirked, "Settle down Mr. Malfoy. What time is it anyway?"

"Quarter after eight."

Hermione sighed and ran a hand through her hair, "I'm sorry about last night...that wasn't exactly how I'd pictured it going."

"Don't worry about it." said Draco, shrugging it off.

Hermione sat up and looked down at him, "No, really, I'm sorry. I ruined your-"

"You didn't ruin anything." he said, staring up at her.

"Yes I did. If I hadn't even went over to Ron-"

Before she could finish Draco had pushed her back onto the bed, her hands pinned by his, and one of his knees between her legs, keeping her on the bed.

"No," he said, a glint in his eyes, "You didn't."

She was surprised by the intensity in his eyes, and it didn't help that he was basically laying on top of her.

"Okay," she said quietly.

He smirked and bent his head to trail his nose along her jaw, and placed light kisses along the smooth skin of her neck.

"Malfoy," she said softly, pulling against his hands in an effort to free her hands so she could run them through his hair.

"Oh I don't think so Granger." he said, a seductive smirk on his face as he slid his free hand up her thigh and under his t-shirt to her breasts.

She groaned and tipped her head back to give him better access to her neck, and he complied, leaving open mouthed kisses down to her collarbone while his left hand continued to pinch and tease her nipples.

"Malfoy," she panted, "Please,"

"Please what?" he asked, loving that he could elicit this sort of reaction out of a girl who was usually so calm and collected.

Hermione didn't know what she wanted him to do. Let her go, hold her tighter, kiss her - she just wanted him closer. Closer everywhere.

"Kiss me," she finally managed to say between labored breaths.

He smirked, not ready to let her off the hook that easily, "Kiss you where?"

She groaned, trying to wiggle out of his grip, but failing.

"Malfoy," she panted, as he continued his assault on her breasts while he watched her reactions.

"Kiss you where?" he repeated.


He smiled, "That I can do."

He captured her lips in a kiss, his tongue dueling with hers, stroking hers. It was a sensual dance, and Hermione hated the fact that she couldn't touch him.

After a few moments she broke away, and he continued to kiss her, moving down her neck to suck on her pulse point.

She moaned and arched her back, pushing up against him.

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