Chapter 18

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Alright, it's been a while, and I completely fail at updating...BUT here's to hoping you like this chapter.

Read and Review lovelies.

"Are you sure they actually want to come over?"

Hermione had been asking Draco that question for the past hour, and Draco always replied with the same answer.

"Yes, they actually want to come over." he said chuckling.

She ran a hand through her hair and tried to take a deep breath, "But what I don't understand is why they all of a sudden want to come over."

"Honestly? I have no idea. Hopefully they've come to terms with it."

Hermione frowned and tried to walk away, but Draco grabbed her hand.

"Even if they don't, it doesn't matter, and it doesn't change anything. You know that. But if you don't want them to come over, if it's too much stress with the trial coming up, I can -"

"No, don't be silly. Of course they should come over. Hopefully we can talk and they'll see it our way." she said, giving him a kiss on the cheek before she headed into the living room.

Hermione had prepared tea because she knew that Lucius and Narcissa loved it, and she wanted them to be in as good of a mood as possible.

"If you keep pacing like that you'll wear a hole in the floor." said Draco, walking up behind her and wrapping his arms around her waist.

She relaxed back into his embrace and rested her hands over his.

"I'm sorry. I just don't know what to do with myself." she said with a sigh.

He chuckled and kissed her temple, "It'll be fine Granger. They're going to be here in a few minutes, we'll talk, and then we'll go out to dinner together later on like we planned."

Hermione smiled and nodded, "Okay,"

Just then their fireplace lit up, and Lucius and Narcissa were stepping through the green flames.

Narcissa smiled and hugged Draco, "It's lovely to see you again dear."

Then she looked to Hermione and tried a small smile, "You too."

Well it was a start.

Lucius on the other hand was staring disdainfully around the flat, a sour look on his face. Then again his face always looked like that, so for all Hermione knew it wasn't because of their home.

"Aren't you going to say hello Lucius?"

The way Narcissa said it seemed more like a statement than a question, and Lucius seemed to realize that.

"Hello," he said, barely glancing at the two.

"Please, sit." said Hermione, motioning towards the couch. "Would you like some tea?"

Narcissa nodded, "That would be nice. Thank you."

Lucius simply grunted, continuing to look around the flat.

Hermione poured Narcissa a cup of tea and handed it to Draco to pass to her, and then filled three more cups, just in case Lucius decided he wanted one.

Narcissa, Draco, and Hermione sipped on their tea for a while before Draco spoke up.

"Why did the two of you want to come here today?"

Narcissa cleared her throat and shifted in her seat, her usually impeccable posture sagging a little before she spoke.

"We came here to try to understand why you feel the need to -"

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