Chapter 13

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So in this chapter we get a little insight into Hermione's relationship with her parents before the war, and how not okay she really is about everything that's happened to her. Maybe Draco underestimated the extent of Hermione's wounds...

R&R (:

It had been a week since the incident with Ron, and Hermione was finally leaving Gryffindor Tower to attend classes again after lunch.

"Are you sure about this? I mean you know that you can still stay upstairs." said Ginny as they made their way to the Great Hall for lunch.

"Yes Ginny, I'm sure. I can't hide from this forever."

Ginny nodded and pushed open the doors. The Great Hall grew quiet at her entrance and Ginny rolled her eyes, "You can continue your own conversations now."

Everyone slowly went back to talking, no doubt about Hermione, not that she really cared at this point.

She went and sat down, and shortly after that the conversation returned a bit more normally, albeit a few people did lean over and whisper how sorry they were.

"So," started Ginny, glancing towards Draco, "Have you talked to -"

"No, I have not."

"But Mione, I really think you should -"

"Well I don't think I should." she snapped. "And I'm done talking about it."

"Well we're not." said Harry as Ginny and Hermione sat down at the table.

"Since when are you on Malfoy's team?"

Harry shrugged, "Since I found out he loved you."

"He doesn't love me."

"That's not true Hermione." said Ginny softly.

"Yes it is." she said, shaking her head, "He broke up with me with absolutely no explanation, but then he decided to show up after Ron...attacked me...and act like he really cared about me."

"He does care about you. And if you would just let him explain to you what he explained to us then -"

"No!" she snapped, "I don't need him, or you for that matter, to explain anything to me. He lied to me, and that's the end of it."

"Lied about what?" asked Harry.

But Hermione was done talking. She took a sip of her pumpkin juice and asked, "Can you pass the butter?"

The rest of her day went by fairly untroubled, although Draco did make a few attempts at getting her to talk to him.

She had studiously ignored him, which drove him absolutely insane, because he wanted nothing more than to at least be able to explain his reasoning, even if it didn't end up making a difference to her.

"What exactly are you trying to prove all of a sudden?" asked Theo, lounging across the couch in the Slytherin Common Room.

"I'm not trying to prove anything." said Draco, not looking up from his book.

"Then why are you chasing after Granger? You broke up with her like you decided was best, so what changed?" asked Blaise.

Draco groaned and slammed his book closed, "Because I can't fucking handle being without her. There? Are you both sufficiently happy now?"

Theo smirked, "It's okay to have feelings for her. We both already knew you did."

Blaise nodded, "And we're glad it wasn't Pansy who you ended up having actual feelings for."

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