Chapter 20

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Five Years Later

"Have you seen my red shoes?" asked Hermione, her black dress billowing around her.

Draco snorted, "You expect me to know? What with all those shoes in your closet, can't you just pick a different pair?"

Hermione glared at him, "No, the theme is red Draco, so something has to be red...speaking of that," she grabbed her wand and pointed to his tie, turning it from emerald green to ruby red.

Draco scowled, but didn't change it back. It was Harry and Ginny's wedding, he could suck it up.

"For christ's sake Hermione can't you just turn that black pair red so we can leave? You're going to make us late."

"What are you in such a hurry for? I thought you didn't want to go." she teased, knowing full well that Draco wanted to go to their wedding. He and Harry had become friends, and he absolutely adored their two children James and Lily.

They'd done things a bit backwards, what with getting married after their two children were born, but it didn't seem to bother anybody. Everyone had always known the two of them would end up together.

"Finally!" exclaimed Hermione, grabbing her heels from the very back of the closet.

Draco chuckled and stood in front of her after she'd slid her shoes on. Even with the extra three inches he was still taller than she was.

"Do you think it's time to tell them?" asked Draco softly, toying with the wedding band on Hermione's finger.

"Well," she said, taking a deep breath, "I think we've waited long enough."

He broke out into a dazzling smile and spun her around, "Tomorrow then, after their wedding."

Hermione nodded, "Tomorrow."

"I can't believe we're finally married." said Ginny, looking at Harry across the dance floor while she sat with Lily and Hermione.

Lily, who was only two, sat on Hermione's lap playing with her bracelet while Hermione and Ginny talked.

"I'm surprised you let us beat you to it." said Hermione chuckling.

Ginny nodded, "How long's it been now?"

"Three years this December."

Ginny smiled, "It doesn't seem that long ago does it?"

Hermione shook her head, "Not at all."

Just then James, Harry, and Draco came back over to the table.

"Come on, people are starting to leave." said Harry.

Hermione looked at Draco's watch, and sure enough it was two o'clock in the morning.

"Dance with me one last time." said Ginny.

Harry nodded and led her out onto the now empty dance floor while Draco and Hermione sat with James and Lily.

"When are you gonna have babies Auntie Mione?" asked James, his green eyes looking up at Hermione.

"It'll happen soon James," she said with a chuckle.

"Good, we want more kids to play with. Fred and Roxanne don't want to hangout with us anymore." he said, pouting a bit.

"Well when we have kids they'll want to hangout with you." said Draco with a smile that seemed to placate James.

He took his sisters hand and led her over to the corner of the dance floor to watch their parents twirl around.

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