Chapter 3

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"Oh gods Draco." panted Hermione, her nails scratching down his back as he pumped into her.

"Fuck," he groaned, capturing her lips in a kiss, their tongues dueling and stroking one another.

He couldn't believe how amazing she felt around him, and her moaning was making quick work of any self control he had left.

He began moving in and out of her at a faster pace, biting down on her pulse point in the process.

"Oh...Draco...I think I'm going to-"


Draco groaned, slamming his hand down on the annoying muggle alarm clock Blaise had put in their room. He was getting quite tired of having those dreams about Hermione. It's not that he didn't enjoy them. Merlin knows he did, but it was frustrating having to take a cold shower every bloody morning.

He wanted to sleep with Hermione, but he wanted it to be the right time. He wanted her to want to as much as he did, and if he had to wait, then he would.

He groaned, running a hand through his hair before getting up and heading to the bathroom. After he'd taken a shower and gotten dressed he and Blaise walked down to the Great Hall for breakfast.

He found Hermione sitting by Ron, as usual. He frowned at the sight. He knew Weasely had nothing on him, but it still irked him that he was sitting by his girlfriend.

"If it bothers you so much, why don't you go over there?" asked Blaise.

Draco sighed, "I don't know if she's told them yet."

"Well what better way to have them find out. Actions speak louder than words and all that..." he said, waving his hand in the air as if that better explained his point.

"I don't know,"

"Oh come on. I'd rather have you over there bugging them, than over here bugging me."

Draco scowled, "How am I bugging you?"

"People at the Hufflepuff table can hear you sighing dude." he said, rolling his eyes.

"Oh fuck off," he muttered before getting up and heading over to the Gryffindor table, his cocky smirk pasted on his face as usual.

"Hey Granger,"

Hermione looked up, and shock registered on her face, but only for a moment.

"Hey, do you want to sit?"

"Sit?" sputtered Ron. "As in sit here?"

Hermione glared at him, "Yes Ron,"

Harry rolled his eye , "Just move over."

Ron's face was turning a nasty shade of red, as Draco sat down next to Hermione.

Hermione placed a chaste kiss on his cheek before returning to her conversation with Ginny and Harry.

Draco rested his hand on Hermione's thigh and traced small circles with his thumb, smirking as he noticed her shift closer to him.

After a few minutes she tentatively placed her hand over his, and he turned his hand over, moving it so their fingers were intertwined.

She smiled and asked, "So your friends are actually okay with you sitting over here?"

He snorted, "Would it matter if they weren't?"

"I suppose not." she said with a smile.

"Am I really the only person who sees something wrong with this?" snapped Ron, finally coming out of his haze.

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