Chapter 1

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Draco was currently sitting in his usual seat at the Slytherin table, glaring at the Golden Trio. Especially the not so bushy haired muggleborn know it all who was still beating him academically.

Yeah, his dad was real pleased about that one.

It was one thing to get beat out by another pureblood, but a muggleborn? Not acceptable. It was pathetic, and he needed to do something about it, and fast, before his dad killed him.

Just then all three of them looked over at him, and he scowled. Harry and Ron turned around, but Hermione raised an eyebrow as if to say,"You're not as intimidating as you think."

She turned back around and picked up the conversation with her friends, while Draco glared at her back.

"Have you heard she's supposedly dating Weasely now?"

Draco looked over at his best friend Blaise, a disgusted look on his face, but for what reason he wasn't quite sure. He didn't care to discuss Weaselbee's relationship, especially if it concerned Granger, because even she could do better.

"What makes you think I keep tabs on their personal lives?"

"Well as much as you stare at her-"

"Glare. I glare, Blaise. I do not stare. I occasionally scowl, but I do not stare." he snapped, even more irritated.

"Whatever you say mate." said Blaise, shaking his head.

Draco was already irritated, so instead of making a scene he stood up and walked out of the Great Hall. He didn't know where he was headed, but anywhere that was away from people worked for him.

Hermione spent the majority of her time in the library, attempting to avoid Harry and Ron's request for her to do their homework. She settled in to her usual table, books spread out in front of her, and started on her Arithmancy homework.

She liked Arithmancy...sometimes. It was the one subject that ever really gave her trouble, but she took pleasure in the fact that even though she struggled with it, she still did better than Malfoy.


She shook her head, why in the hell was she thinking about Malfoy?


She studied undisturbed for a few minutes before she heard someone sit down at the table next to hers. She looked up and saw a flash of blonde hair and groaned.

Why was he here? And why was he sitting so close to her? There were plenty of other open tables.

She tried to ignore him, instead focusing on the last Arithmancy problem that was giving her trouble. She was absentmindedly tapping her quill against the table, a habit she'd had since she was younger.

"Damnit Granger would you stop with the bloody tapping?"

She looked up and saw Malfoy looking at her. She opened her mouth to fire back some nasty comment, but instead decided to say, "Sorry,"

He raised an eyebrow, surprised. "Did you just apologize to me?"

"I'm trying to be civil, Ferret. Don't push it." she said through clenched teeth.

"Alright," he said, turning back to his work.

A few minutes later the tapping picked up again and he sighed. He knew her well enough to know she did that when she was trying to think of the answer to something.

She'd clearly been thinking on this for a while.

"Granger, for the love of Merlin, what the hell are you working on?"

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