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I took a quick look at the large, beautiful horse, and smiled a bit. "I'll call you.. Prince." I said and patted his neck again.

I took a last look around the ruins of my fathers castle before I sat back up on the horse. I rode to the center of Greenwick, and looked for survivors. I got off Prince and lifted up a couple of trees and planks to see if there was anyone there. Then only thing I could find, were dead people with dried blood all over them. Some of them I knew, and it hurt me to se them in this condition.

"Hah, there you are!" The kidnapper said and pointed his sword at me. I didn't hear him come up to me, and got quite scared.

"What do you want?" I said in an angry voice. His reaction was not anything I could've expected. He laughed and dropped his sword. "What about you guess what I want, huh?"

I shook my head and took a large breath. "I don't know." I said and tried to walk away.

He pushed me away and pointed his sword at me again. "I really think you know, deep inside. I can..." He couldn't say any more until Prince pushed him out of the way. I didn't see him coming either, but I was very lucky he came.

"Good boy!" I said and hurried to sit up on him again. I didn't really know if Prince was a boy or a girl, and I didn't bother to check either. I wasn't going to be able to keep it for a very long time anyways. At least I thought.

The kidnapper woke up from his blackout and ran after me as I made Prince run. I saw him jump over sticks and bodies while trying to catch up with me, but he didn't succeed. I could see him fall longer and longer behind us and eventually disappear.

I had no idea how he found me, but he probably guessed I'd go to Greenwick as soon as I was able to escape.

"Maybe I should go where no one will expect me to be.." I whispered to my self in a low tone. I thiught about all of the cities I knew of, but I couldn't come up with a city they wouldn't think I'd go to. Therefor, I decided I's go out of this country and find an unknown city that would take me in.

Then, the old woman showed up again. "Good idea." She said, and disappeared.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 28, 2016 ⏰

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