Chapter 23

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*Paisyn's POV*

Monday finally rolls around, my nerves over the edge as I got ready for the funeral. Ashton and I haven't talked much about the situation but I'd rather leave it that way. I slipped on my sleeveless black dress, reaching just above my knees. My hair was straight as I slipped on my black heels.

"Babe can you help me with this?" Ashton asked, motioning to his tie. I giggled, walking over to him and tying the tie.

I pulled his lips to mine, enjoying the moment. Ashton looked amazing in his simple outfit. Black dress pants, black button up, and white tie with black dress shoes.

"Ugh, I hate wearing so much black." He complains, studying his reflection in the mirror.

"Don't worry, I do too babe." I checked my watch, 9:45. "We better go if we don't want to be late.

We brushed our teeth quickly before leaving the house. The drive was short and quiet, avoiding the only topic there was to speak about. We arrived, luckily no one was crying yet, and everyone looked happy. Even though we all know it won't last long. I drug Ashton into the funeral home to find a seat.

Soon everyone began filing in, chatting amongst themselves as they say down. The preacher stood at the front of the room, clearing his throat.

"Peter was a loving young man, caring for his family and friends, and loved by many..." I zoned out as he kept talking about Peter and his life, my mind wasn't with me and for some reason I still can't comprehend that he's gone. Ashton's hand rested on my thigh as I scooted closer.

Peter's family stood, making their way past his casket and to the front of the room. His mother locked eyes with me, tears spilling over as she tried to keep it together. The preacher dismissed rows one by one to say their last goodbyes to Peter. My row was called and I froze, unable to move.

"Paise, you coming?" I looked up at Ashton, his hand extended as I took it, nodding.

He looked so lifeless. His face pale, his lips dry. I grabbed his cold hand, bringing it to my mouth as shivers traveled down my spine. I walked over to his mom, pulling her into a hug as we cried into each other's shoulders. "I'm so sorry." I cried. "Honey I know, we're All sorry." She repeated as we pulled apart. I nodded, wiping the tears away, greeting the rest of the family before heading back outside.

We got into Ashton's car, following everyone to the gravesite. The wind blew as we arrived, everyone and their children making their way to the small tent.

"Honey, over here." Peter's mother motioned me over to two seats inside the tent. I smiled a fake smile, sitting down as the noise died down. The preacher spoke a few more words about Peter before they lowered him into the ground. We took turns tossing things into his grave, mostly flowers.

The funeral was over and my mascara was washed completely off. I held Ashton's hand with mine as we drove in silence back home.

"Ash?" I whispered.

"Yes baby?" He rubbed circles into my hand with his thumb.

"He's... He's gone."

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