Chapter 20

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Okay so one last chapter before I leave to finish the rest of the book! (: this chapter's for londons_calling & misscupcake13 for staying up until 2&5 in the morning to read my story! I love you guys so much you're simply amazing(:


*Ashton's POV*

My eyes fluttered open, Paisyn still laying on top of me from last night. Moving a strand of her hair from her face I planted a kiss on her cheek, moving slowly out from under her. I made my way to the kitchen finding a notepad and a pen. I quickly scribbled a note to Paisyn before creeping upstairs for clothes. Not in the mood to mess with my hair I threw on a beanie, batman shirt, jeans, and vans. Careful not to wake Paisyn, I crept down the stairs and out to my car. Once in the drivers seat I took a minute to rub the sleep from my eyes before backing out.

The closer to Peter's house I got the more nervous I became. A thought rushed through my mind that I should turn around, before remembering that I had promised Paisyn I would talk to him. Taking a right at the stop light I was only moments away from confronting Peter. "Ashton, why are you so stupid?" I spoke aloud to myself, slapping the steering wheel. I turned off the car's engine, in the driveway of Peter's house. Remembering his parents were away on a business trip made my stomach quiver.

I walked slowly to the front door, ringing the doorbell. The sound echoed through the house, no reply. Just to be sure, I pressed the button once more. Still no reply. "Peter? Hello? It's Ashton." I called through the door, hoping he would hear and let me in. Getting restless with still no reply I tried the doorknob, which thankfully was open. I was ready to get in there and get it over with, for Paisyn. I opened the door, padding through the small house repeating Peter's name. With no luck downstairs, I started shakily upstairs. Peter's door remained closed, the house quiet except for the creaking of the old floor. My knuckles slowly pushed open his door.

"Oh my God. Peter? Peter no!" I ran across the room, frantic as I searched over Peter's lifeless body. His hands still held a tight grip around the gun he had used to end his life. Tears streamed down my face as I held it in my own hands. "Why Peter?" The sound of footsteps echoed through the hall.

"Peter what the hell? Why haven't you called me ba- Ashton? What the hell?!" I scrambled to my feet, realizing the gun remained in my hands. "Gabe it's not what you think I didn't do it!" My mouth searched for the words to say. "Then how do you explain this?!" He motioned to the lifeless body behind me while the tears poured down his cheeks. Dropping down to his knees he sobbed, fisting Peter's t-shirt. I bent down, placing a hand on Gabriel's back in comfort. "Don't. Fucking. Touch. Me." He retorted through the tears. My thumb wiped away my own when Paisyn popped into my mind. How am I going to tell her? It'll tear her apart, she's going to think it was because of her.

"I'm sorry Gabriel, I really am but I promise you I didn't do it!" His eyes were already red from crying as he turned around. "Just fucking call someone!" I nodded, turning into the hall to find a phone. I struggled to keep my composure while talking to the lady on the other end. The police arrived shortly, my mind a blur as I sat in my car. I was questioned about the scene, barely remembering a word that was said. I pulled my car out of the driveway, careful not to hit anyone as I sped down the street. Paisyn was the last person I wanted to tell, driving to my house instead.

The TV was on in front of me, I sat staring at it, not paying attention to the show. Peter's lifeless body was all that ran through my mind, was all I could think of. The one question I kept asking myself was why? Why would he do what he did?

*okay so short chapter.. Sorry! But anyways to the point! I'm going to try something new that I've never done! It's sort of a contest but idk..

Okay so anyone who's reading my story and wants to can participate! I want you guys to write the next chapter of the story.. There's no rules or guidelines just do what you think would be best but I'm going to pick the one I like the best and publish it as the next chapter!(: it's sort of to help me get back on my feet and get more ideas to keep writing(:

You can inbox me or comment your chapter entries and I'm going to be following the person who's chapter I pick(: I hope you guys participate & ily(:


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