Chapter 17

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*Gabriel's POV*

"Did you get it?" I asked Peter quietly as he approached his house, parking the car. "No all I got was a picture of a baby seal trying to eat a banana. Of course I got it you idiot." I winced as Peter slapped my arm playfully. "Who all did you send it to?" Peter sat on the hood of the car facing me. A smirk painted his face as he began speaking. "Well, I got a video instead but I sent it to basically the entire school. I would've done only our grade but then all the girls would only be jealous. Soooo I sent it to everyone that way both of them would be embarrassed. And remember Paisyn's brother Michael? Yea he got one too. Wonder how he feels about his 16 year old sister doing those things? And especially with his band member." My mouth fell agape with the information Peter had just told me. What the hell have I got myself into. "Wow." Was all that I could manage to say, I was in literal shock. I couldn't believe he had actually done it. "Have you gotten any responses?" I didn't want to know the answer to be honest, I didn't want this for Paisyn. Peter says its all part of his revenge plan or something. I tried talking him out of it, but he wouldn't have that.

*Paisyn's POV*

"Ashton, what the hell are we going to do?! Michael's going to kill us both! And what about my mom? I'll never be able to set foot outside without getting called a hoe or a slut or something." My blood was boiling, all I wanted to know is who sent the video. "Babe, calm down okay? We'll figure this all out. Everything's going to be okay." Ashton intertwined our fingers, rubbing circles with his thumb to calm me down. "I bet it was Abigail. I hate that bitch so much. I've gotten suspended once already because of her I'm not afraid to do it again." Ashton leaned over to peck a kiss on my cheek. "I love you baby. We'll get this all figured out I promise." A smile spread across my lips. "I love you too."

"Holy Fuck." Ashton's face went blank as we pulled into his driveway. "Dammit." Michael sat on the hood of his own car, obviously waiting for Ashton. I stepped out of the truck, heading for Michael. Before I reached him he got something out of the back of his car, tossing it in my direction. "Put some damn underwear on slut." The tears stung my eyes as I reached down to pick them up, sliding them on. Ashton walked over to Michael, anyone could tell he was scared as hell.

"You wanna know what happens when you fuck with my little sister?" Within seconds, Michael's fist connected with Ashton's nose, knocking him to the ground. Michael stood over him, a smirk planted on his face. "I thought we've already had this talk Irwin?" A grunt escaped Ashton's mouth as Michael released a fist into his stomach. "Michael! Michael stop! Please I love him!" He kept pounding into Ashton, letting him lie helplessly on the ground beneath him. "You don't love him Paisyn. You don't even know what love is."

The tears were pouring freely as I knelt by Ashton, taking his head into my lap. "You do. And if you love me then you'll stop. Please." I whispered through the tears. The blood stains on Michael's knuckles were already beginning to dry. "Why'd you do it Paisyn?" Michael moved to beside me, wiping his own tears. "I love him Michael." He shook his head, wiping the tears that continued to fall. Standing up he walked back to his car, turning back to me before getting in. "You don't know what love is Paisyn." The tires squealed against the cold asphalt as Michael left. "Come on Ash, lets get you inside." I helped him up, wrapping an arm around his shoulder supporting him.

"I'm sorry Paisyn. I love you so much." I continued wiping the blood from his nose with the cold rag. "I know sweetie. I love you too." He winced as I dabbed at a spot just above his eyebrow. "Sorry." I apologized as I removed the oozing red liquid. Once everything was clean I walked back to Ashton, who sat on the counter. He pulled me in between his legs, his hands on my hips. "Ready for bed?" I nodded, grinning as he pecked a kiss on my forehead. He hopped down from the counter, picking me up bridal style. Ashton carried me up the stairs to his bedroom, tossing me onto the bed like a little kid. He rummaged around in his drawers for a few minutes before turning back to me. "Here wear these." He threw me a pair of shorts and a t-shirt he had cut into a tank. I put them on and slid under the covers.

"You look good in my clothes." I could hear the smirk in his voice as he pulled me closer. I kissed his nose, placing my hands on his toned chest. "Why thank you." I laughed a little as puffed out his chest. "Goodnight babe. Love you." "Night beautiful, love you more."

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