Chapter 2

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*Paisyn's POV*

"My mom just texted, time for dinner. I gotta go." Peter flipped off the tv and stood up, cramming his phone into his pocket. "Okay, I'll walk you." I grinned and led Peter downstairs.

One thing I had learned about Peter, when it came to guys, he wasn't shy at all. Not a single bit.

"Hey, Mikey, we should have practice here more often." I stopped in my tracks as I heard the familiar voice echo through the room. Ashton. He wants to have practice here now?  Totally fine with me.

"Come on." Peter pulled on my arm, snapping me from my thoughts.  We descended the stairs as the guys turned their heads towards Peter and I.  Michael rolled his eyes and turned back to continue their conversation.  I could feel Ashton's eyes burning holes in my back as we entered the living room.

"Hello handsome." Peter snaked his arm around Luke's shoulders and winked at him. "Um.." Luke wiggled away from Peter and stood up awkwardly, rubbing the back of his neck.  I led Peter outside and said goodbye as he walked across the street to his house.

"Sorry about tha- Where'd everybody go?" I turned around, face to face with Ashton. Nobody else was in the room, but I didn't remember hearing any doors shut?

"Oh, yea, they went to pack everything up."

"Oh." I turned away and started my way upstairs.

"Wait, um. Stay here, don't go." Ashton patted the spot on the couch beside him. Giggling, I ran over to the couch and sat down beside him.

Giggling. Way to go Paisyn.

"So Paisyn, how old are you?" Ashton positioned himself towards me, placing a hand on my knee. I ignored the gesture and answered. "Uh, 15."  He nodded and moved his hand back and forth on my thigh. I swatted it away and picked the imaginary fuzz off of my shirt. "How about you?" I asked nervously. "18."


"Oh,". I started, suddenly feeling awkward. "Paisyn, I- I think I like you."

Looking up, Ashton's eyes were searching mine. "You don't even know me." I stated, shifting in my seat. "I know enough about you to like you already. You're cute, sweet, and I like it when you blush like that." Ashton's hand grazed my cheek as I smiled from ear to ear. "I like you too. But-"

"Come on Ash, we gotta go." Calum called from the garage door. Ashton patted my knee and headed over to the door. "Bye Paisyn." "Bye."

I ran up to my room and texted Peter everything that'd happened. About 20 minutes later there was a knock at my door. I sat down my phone and turned around to see Michael. "Uh, yea? Whatcha need?" I said, trying to sound annoyed.

"I need to talk to you.. Do you have a minute?" I nodded and rolled over, sitting up against my headboard. "Okay?" I motioned towards the end of the bed as he sat down.

"Listen, stay away from Ashton. Okay? He's not right for you. He's 3 years older, and I don't want to see you getting hurt by him. He's more than you think he is. Please? Stay away from him?" Michael finished his mini-speech and looked around my room nervously.

"Michael, you can't stop me. I like him and he likes me. End of story. I'll hang out with whoever I want, and I'll date whoever I want." Michael stood up and made his way to the door. "You'll see. Just wait." He mumbled before leaving.


I pulled on my skinnies, Jack Wills hoodie, and flats, curled my hair, and applied mascara. Grabbing my phone off of the nightstand I checked the time, 7:26 am. I pulled on my backpack and walked outside to meet Peter in his driveway.

"Hey Peter!"

"Paise! So, how'd it go with lover boy? Or should I say lover man?" Peter teased, taking my backpack.

The thing about Peter, he believes that girls shouldn't have to do things if they are with a guy who could do it for them. It's never bothered me much, so I don't ask about it.

"Shut up. We talked, that's all." I frowned slightly and looked up at Peter. "He said he likes me, Peter." He looked up from the pavement he was studying and chuckled. "And you like him back! So I don't see the whole problem here?" Peter's eyebrows raised up to the middle of his forehead.

"Because, he's 18 and I'm only 15.  He's probably had plenty of girlfriends and I haven't even had one boyfriend! I've never kissed anyone and I'm sure he's done way more than only kissing!" I lectured on, my voice growing louder and louder. "Oh, I see." Peter mumbled.

"Hey! I could pretend to be your boyfriend and you could practice!" Peter suggested. "Yea, I guess. But everyone knows you're gay already." I stated, playing with the lose strand on my jeans. "Well, for the next few weeks I'm going to be straight. Just for you." Peter smiled and shifted my backpack onto his other arm.

Our hands brushed awkwardly, causing us both to glance down. I inched mine closer as Peter wrapped his fingers in mine.


Peter and I walked into the school yard hand in hand, our shoulders brushing as we walked. We earned many unexpected glares and gawks as we passed the crowd of preps. Whispers would stop momentarily as we walked by, continuing when we were out of earshot.

"Alright, this is my home room." I laughed, Peter's hand still in mine. He slipped a note into my front pocket, pecked a nervous kiss on my cheek and went next door to his own classroom.


I plopped down in the very last seat of the last row in Mr. Gretchyn's home room class. He read the morning announcements and the lunch menus for the rest of the week.

Pulling out the crinkled paper that Peter had handed me I flattened it onto my desk and read the note.

'My house @ 7.'

I grinned and stuffed the paper inside my pocket again.

"Clifford? Pay attention." Mr. Gretchyn grumbled, his nose peaking out from under his glasses. "Yes sir." I spoke barely loud enough for my own self to hear me, let alone Gretchyn.


The bell dismissed everyone for lunch hour, Mrs. Trevors screaming the math homework as we left, not paying her a bit of attention.

"Hey, um, did you get the note?" Peter whispered, looking around at the passing kids. "I did, and yes. I'll be there around 6:45." I pulled a piece of hair behind my ear and wrapped my fingers with Peter's as we entered the lunch room.

*Peter's POV*

I'm going to kiss Paisyn tonight.

What am I saying? Gabriel. My, you know, boyfriend.

I felt my hand tense up as Paisyn intertwined our fingers. I gave her a reassuring smile as we entered the lunch room, my grip on her hand becoming tighter.

Dropping Paisyn's hand I pretended to scratch my arm as Gabriel came into sight. "Uh, I'm going to the bathroom. Be right back." I rambled, heading off to the bathroom near by.

*Paisyn's POV*

"Okay?" I said confused. "Oh hey Gabriel." I half smiled and set my bag in the seat beside me. "Hey have you seen Peter?" "Um yeah, he said he was going to the bathroom." I mumbled through a mouthful of ham sandwich. "Oh, okay."


"Hey guys," Peter sat down between Garbiel and I, resting a hand on Gabriel's knee.

Grabbing my backpack I stood up and stuck my arms in the holes. "I gotta go, I have to make up a test for Mrs. Trevors class." I said goodbye and made my way down the long hallway to the classroom.

*Gabriel's POV*

"So how has your day been, babe?" I asked, my hand brushing against Peter's. "Good, but listen. Can you come over around 6:30 today after school? I have to tell you something." Peter stated, looking worried.

"Yeah, I'll be there." The bell interrupted our conversation, scattering everyone around the room, heading to their next class. "Bye Peter." "Bye, Gabriel."


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