Chapter 9

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This chapter goes to Rosehoran21 because she made my day.. She's hilarious with her amazing comments:)

*Paisyn's POV*

My face froze, and my eyes that were once drooping closed, opened wide. Did I really just hear that? Did he really just say that he loved me? My mouth hung open, searching for the words to say.

"I love you too." The words rushed from my mouth, not giving me any time to think about what had just happened. I felt Ashton smile against my neck, where he laid his head. After a few moments, everything had settled in and my body finally let me drift off to sleep.


"Babe, are you ready?" Ashton called from behind the curtain. I was changing from the hospital gown into my own clothes to go home. "Almost." I pulled my arm through the last sleeve and gathered my things, leaving them with Ashton as I checked out. As we walked down the hallway I waved and said my good-byes to the many nurses and staff that I'd made my friends.

Once we were back home I ran upstairs to put everything away. Ashton rummaged through the channels finding a movie to watch. My mom had flown back to the states, and Michael finally trusted Ashton with me alone, being as he practically saved my life, and went back to his friend's house.

"What do you say about a date tonight? Since we missed your birthday and everything." Ashton rubbed circles in my hand with his thumb while he spoke. "That'd be great! Where are we going?" The curious part of me was coming out. "Can't say, then it wouldn't be a surprise anymore!" I chuckled. "Finneee." I moaned like a little kid. "What do I need to wear?" I wanted to be dressed right, wherever we were going. "Something nice." I nodded and laid my head down in Ashton's lap to finish the movie.

It was almost 6:30 when the movie was over. Ashton left to his own house to get ready, while I did the same. I called Brooke over to help me.

"Hmm.. Should I wear this.. Or this?" I held up the two dress options to Brooke as she rubbed her chin, thinking. "This one." She pointed to the light peach colored, sequined and ruffled, tiered dress that still hung in my closet. I pulled it out and walked to the shoe closet to decide on shoes. "Hmm," I searched the walk-in until Brooke noticed the perfect pair. Taking the dress and the black heels into the bathroom, I changed quickly.

"Oh. My. God. You look Ah-may-zing!" Brooke squealed as she sat me down at the vanity to do my hair. She talked the entire time, bobby pins sticking from her bottom lip as she held them with her teeth. Once she had straightened it, pinning my bangs back in a French twist, she stepped back to take a look at me.

"You look so beautiful Paise." I turned around facing the mirror, and I had to admit, she was right. The dress hugged me in all the right places, outlining my curves and hiding my flaws. My hair fell perfectly, and the heels made my legs look long and slim. "Wow." Was all I could say. "Okay, sit down. Make up time!" Brooke was a miracle worker when it comes to make up. She could hide any flaw, or make something disappear like it was never there, with the blink of an eye.

She applied mascara, little eyeliner, foundation, eye shadow, and blush where I needed it. "Wow, thanks Brooke. You're the absolute best!" I pulled her into a hug, trying not to cry and smear my make up. The doorbell rang from downstairs as we pulled apart. "There he is! Good luck!" Brooke called as I headed downstairs to the door, stopping in the hall to put on some lip gloss.

"Hey babe," Ashton pulled me into a hug and kiss. "Wow." He stepped back as far as our intertwined hands would let him and looked me up and down. He licked his lips as a smile covered his face. "You don't look so bad yourself babe." Ashton was dressed in dark wash skinnies, converse, and a burgundy t-shirt with the sleeves rolled up. "Well duh, I'm always this sexy." He retorted with a laugh. I chuckled and slapped his chest as he walked me out to his car. Ashton helped me in and ran around to the drivers side.


"Reservation for Irwin." Ashton politely told the hostess while she searched the book for our reservations. "Oh, yes. Right this way sir." She led us down a long aisle, full with couples chatting and kissing. We walked for a ways until we finally reached a black curtain, sectioning off a little space for only the two of us.

We sat down as she pulled out her notepad. "My name is Morissa, I'll be your waiter, if you need anything let me know. Can I start you off with some drinks?" She wrote our orders down and left. "What do you think Paise?" Ashton's smile was brighter than usual, something must be up.

"It's great, thank you so much Ash." I leaned across the table to peck a kiss on his lips as Morissa came back with our drinks. She set them down and took our orders. "I have something for you." He grinned, stuffing his hand in his pocket and pulling out a little black box. Ashton slid it across the table, I picked it up hesitantly. My mouth dropped open as I saw what was inside, a ring.

A white gold, diamond swirl promise ring. "Happy Birthday baby." My smile couldn't be any bigger than it already was. Ashton took the ring from the box, slipping it on my ring finger as I admired it. "Thank you so much. I love it, it's perfect." I whispered, as if it would ruin the moment to talk any louder.

"I'm glad you like it."

Morissa came back with our food and we ate, I halfway admired the ring with every bite. Ashton paid the bill and led me back to the car. "Thank you so much, I had a great time." "Anything for you baby. But the night isn't over yet."

My mind raced as I tried to figure out what he meant. 'The night isn't

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