Chapter 17- Career Fight

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Richelle's pov
My eyes open to the sun beaming through the trees. Noah's arm is tightly wrapped around me and he's asleep. Wait a minute, where's the pain gone? I slowly move out of Noah's grasp, making sure that I don't wake him, and roll up my leggings. I try to find my wound but it isn't there. What? Did I dream this? No, I can't have.

I shake Noah's shoulder.
"Noah. Noah!" I whisper.
"Five....more....minutes. Wait Richelle?" He yells and immediately opens his eyes.
"Hi." I say.
"Your leg! It worked! You're ok now!" He yells and jumps off.
"What worked?" I ask suspiciously.
"We got you a sponsor." He says.
"Really?" I ask.
"Yeah!" He yells.
"Thank you." I say and wrap my arms around him.

"No problem." He says and winks at me.
I throw him a smile and he smiles back.
"Agh!" We hear James yell.
I swing my head in his direction and see Emily, Eldon and West standing before us. Eldon has a knife beneath James' throat. We're the only ones left in the games, are we going to die now?

Noah grabs my hand and pulls me close.
"Could you let me go? It's quite uncomfortable you know." James says.
"Shut up idiot." Eldon says.
"What do you want?" Noah asks.
"We need you three. Everyone else is dead, now it's your turn." West says and grabs his bow and arrow.
"You know that only one person can win right?" I ask while breathing nervously.
"Duh." Emily says.
"Well if you kill us, then you three will be left. If you're all such good friends, how do you plan on killing each other?" I ask.

There was a silence for a while.
"Well I'm going to win." Emily says.
"I am!" Eldon yells and accidentally let's go of James.
He runs towards us with a smirk on his face.
"You idiot!" West yells and hits Eldon in the chest.
"What was that for? It's James' fault!" Eldon yells and pushes West back.
"Guys calm down." Emily says.
"No! He let go of James!" West yells and shoots an arrow at Eldon.

West's pov
Ok maybe that was a little extremem. The arrow lands right in Eldon's chest and he falls to the ground.
"West! You idiot!" Emily yells.
"Sorry Eldon." I say.
To be honest, I don't really care about Eldon so who cares if he gets shot?
"What is wrong with you?" Eldon says before dramatically dying.
"West! You just shot our ally!" Emily yells.
"It was an accident!" I yell.
Maybe it wasn't.

"Wait a minute, where have they gone?" Emily asks.
"Who?" I ask.
"Richelle, James and Noah you nit wit!" Emily yells.
"Oh. I hadn't even noticed that they'd gone." I say.
"That's because you shot Eldon!" She yells.
"True, very true. I guess we should go and find them." I say.
"Well we'd better hurry!" She exclaims and starts running into the woods.

Bye Eldon!

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