Chapter 8- Let The Games Begin

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Sorry for the time jump but this is the chapter where the games start! Sorry for being so inactive but not many people seem to like this book.

Abi's pov
Today is the day that the games begin. Actually they begin in ten minutes. I'm with my stylist Brooklyn and she's giving me a pep talk before I go into that weird tube which takes me to the games. I have never been so scared in my life. I messed up my special skill. I tried to shoot the mannequin in the heart but I shot past it into the wall. All the judges did was laugh and my score was 2.

"It's time to go." Brooklyn says.
I hop into the tube with a scared face on.
"Do your best. You could win this!" She says.
I force a smile.
"I'll miss you." I say.
"I'll miss you too. Goodbye darling." She says.
Then the machine starts to move up and I wave goodbye and almost cry. I do not want to be in the games.

The arena is just like it was in the seventy fourth hunger games. It's a forest which is good because there will be water and food.

I start panting.
I bite my lip.
I look at the other tributes.
I start sweating.
I look around.
I scratch my nose.
I check my belt.
I look at the cornucopia.
I get into position.
I run.

Everyone starts running for the cornucopia. I can already hear cannons going off. Bang! Bang! That's two gone already. My fellow tribute Chad drops to the floor with a knife in his chest. Looks like he's the next one who died. Bang! His canon goes off.

I wasn't paying attention and the girl from district one (Emily) throws a knife at me. It hits me in the heart and I fall to the ground. She pulls the bloody knife out of me and whispers in my ear.
"Happy Hunger Games."

Emily's pov
She lets out a last breath and then the life floats out of her. Most of the people have disappeared from the cornucopia except for me and my allies.

Suddenly I see a face behind one of the boxes in the cornucopia. It's the girl from district eleven- Skylar. I walk over to her with the knife that I killed Abi with in my hand.

"Please don't kill me!" She says.
"I have to win!" I yell and plunge the knife into her chest.
She falls back and blood spills everywhere. At least that's another one killed. Her cannon goes off.

I take one last look at who died here today before moving on with my allies. What's done is done. I can't change it. Whoever died was just weak and useless. I'm going to win these games.

"Emily come on we saw Richelle run that way!" Eldon yells.
"Coming!" I yell and pull the knife out of Skylar's chest.
Watch out Richelle. We're coming for you.

People who died on day one-
Abi- district twelve
Chad- district twelve
Skylar- district eleven
Daniel- district seven
Nick- district elevn
By the way, if you didn't get it, Daniel and Nick were the first two to be killed. It doesn't name them but it says 'bang! Bang! That's two gone already'. I just chose Nick and Daniel.

The book should get interesting from now on!

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