Chapter 13- Bye Bye Thalia

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James' pov
The next day I wake up and decide to go and find Thalia. She killed my girlfriend. I'm going to kill her. Noah and Richelle are still asleep. She was asleep next to him, almost touching. I'm guessing they don't want to lose each other. It's kind of cute. But I have one mission- to kill Thalia.

Thalia's pov
I suddenly hear a noise. My heart stopped beating for a moment.  Then i think, I can't be afraid, I can't be afraid! Being afraid will only get me killed. I look around.  At first i see nothing, but then, out of the shadows looms a strong looking figure. It's James! Again, my heart starts thumping, I put my bow and arrow up to shoot, I aim, but something awful happens. Just as I am about to shoot, James throws a knife with such force that I don't have time to react! The knife slices through my bow and arrow and plunges into my heart.

Richelle's pov
There is the sound of a canon. My eyes flutter open.  At first, i forget where I am, then I remember. I look across at Noah, he's still asleep. I look at him for a minute, wondering if either of us will win. His eyes suddenly open, which caught me off guard, and we stare into one another's eyes for a moment.
"Well good morning sleepyhead." I say eventually.
"Hey there, i had such a horrible dream that-" he pauses, looks around, and realises that that was no dream.

Noah's pov
It was like a sinking feeling in my heart, remembering that this is real, no dream. Richelle looks so beautiful, I really will do anything I can to protect her. I suddenly look around, and realise that James is missing. I instantly think that he has been killed, but then I think no, I would have heard a canon.
"Where has James gone?" I ask Richelle. Her face says that she didn't realise he was gone, and her eyes frantically dart all around her.
"you don't think he's..."
"No, we would've heard a canon" I say to reassure her.
"I heard one!"

Suddenly I hear the sound of footsteps. With one hand I grab my knife and get ready to throw it at someone, with the other I grab Richelle and pull her close to me.  I can feel her heart beating so I whisper-
"It's okay, it's alright, I won't let anything happen to you"
Then something VERY relieving happens, James comes out and says-
"What's up my homies!"
Idiot. I'm allies with an idiot.

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