Chapter 6- Interviews

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Emily's pov
Today is the day of the interviews with Cesar Flickerman. Each tribute is individually interviewed about their strong points and things about us. I'm wearing a nice mint green dress with heels and I'll be on soon. (Outfit above) My fellow tribute, Eldon, is wearing a normal black suit. I think that my dress looks great and the interview will go well.
A few hours later
Right now I'm just waiting to go on in front of the audience because I'm first on. Well I am from district one so I have to go first. Soon enough I'm called on and I walk on with a smile and everyone claps.
"Hello Emily!" Cesar shouts and smiles.
"Hello." I say.
"How are you today?" He asks.
"I'm good thank you, how are you?" I ask.
"I'm great. You are wearing a lovely dress." He says.
"Thank you! My stylist made it for me." I say.
"Who is your stylist?" He asks.
"Jessy." I say.
"Well here is a very well done to Jessy!" He says and everyone claps.
"Now about the games. What is your strongest skill?" He asks.
"Using a bow and arrow." I say.
"Let's hope that there's a bow and arrow in that arena!" He says.
"I hope so." I say.
"Do you have any lat words before your interview ends?" He asks.
"I'm going to win the games." I say.
"Wow confident words from Emily Beaten from district one!" He says and I get up.
Everyone claps as I leave. That went well!

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