Chapter 2- Train

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Richelle's pov
I'm on train and I locked myself in the bathroom. I can't believe that I was chosen to fight in The Hunger Games. This is awful! I sit in the bathroom and cry when there is a knock at the door.
"Richelle?" The voice asks.
I don't reply. Instead, I slowly get up and unlock the door. I open it slightly so I can see who it is. I see Noah standing in front of me- my fellow tribute.
"Why are you crying?" He asks.
"Because I was picked to fight in The Hunger Games!" I yell.
"It'll be fun." He says.
"Noah. The Hunger Games. I'm going to die!" I yell.
"Yeah you are weak." He says.
"You're just plain rude." I say.
"Come on our mentor is waiting for us." He says.
"Who is it?" I ask.
"Chloe." He says.
We both walk into the main section of the carriage and sit down at the table. Effie walks into the other room so Chloe can talk to us alone.
"So you want to know how to win?" She asks and makes herself some toast.
"Well duh." I say.
"You won't with that attitude." She says.
"We would love to know how to win." Noah says.
"Be more like him." She says.
I roll my eyes and Chloe sits back down at the table.
"So what are your strengths?" She asks.
"I'm strong." Noah says.
"Good. What about you Richelle?" She asks.
"I don't know." I say.
"Oh. You're going to have to know what your special skill is." She says.
"Ok how do we find food?" Noah asks.
"Well if you find a bow and arrow or a knife, you can kill animals with them." She says.
"How do we find shelter?" I ask.
"Find a cave or build a den. Make sure that you're covered up at night because it gets cold. Make sure that you always know where water is." She says.
"What about the cornucopia?" Noah asks.
"Do not go into the cornucopia. I know it's tempting to get the weapons, but you will be brutally killed. You will be stabbed or shot." Chloe says.
"So run to the woods?" Noah asks.
"Well yes but you don't know if you will be in the woods. It could be a desert." She says.
"Oh." I say.
"Well you'd better get some rest. You will se your stylist tomorrow." Chloe says.
Me and Noah leave the room and go to our bedrooms. Then we go to sleep.

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