Chapter Two

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Chapter Two

“What are you doing here?” I asked him.

I watched as he shrugged his shoulders, “I got tired of waiting for you”

“I told you not to come and find me” I could feel my temper start to rise, as well as my inner demons delight that I may lose control.

“Well I tried to do as you asked which is why I asked Gabe to come and get you. But when he said you wouldn’t come, I thought I would wait and see if you changed your mind. When it became obvious that you weren’t going too, you left me no choice”

I sighed feeling defeated, I couldn’t allow my demon to take control of me so I needed to calm down. “Why do you want me to come to hell?”

“There is someone I wanted you to meet.” He said.

“And you couldn’t have brought that person here?”

He laughed “Trust me, you don’t want this person to come here”

I frowned at his vagueness “Why not?”

He shook his head “It’s complicated. Just come back to hell and see for yourself” He said  I started to shake my head when he stopped me by raising his hand “Please,”

I groaned “Fine” I watched as a smile appeared on his face “It won’t be today though, I have work tonight”

“Tomorrow then”

“yeah, yeah”  I said storming past him, I turned around to say something else to him but stopped when I realized he was already gone. Kicking the sand in frustration, I turned back around and stormed back to my apartment.

“What’s got you in a mood?” Devon asked when I slammed the apartment door.

“My father” I grumbled.

“Ah” He said “I take it daddy dearest paid you a visit”


“And what did he want?”

I walked into the kitchen disappointed that Devon hadn’t cooked anything to eat, opening the fridge I grabbed the container of last night’s left overs and placed it in the microwave “He wants me to go to hell” I said slamming the microwave door.

“Hey! Don’t take it out on the microwave, it didn’t do anything to you”

“Sorry” I mumbled

“Look if you really don’t want to return to hell, then don’t.”

“Too late, I already told him I would go.”

“So? You can change your mind”

“I have to get ready for work” I said walking out of the kitchen and heading for the bathroom. Maybe a warm shower will help improve my mood, I doubted it, but it was worth a try.

Once I had arrived at work and started pouring drinks my mood soon improved. I don’t know why I loved working at the bar so much but it always seemed to put me in a good mood.  It may have something to do with the regular customers who came in the same time every night, or it could be my workmate Tammy who always had some funny story to tell me. Tonight was no different. As she spoke to me about the guy she had went out with after work the night before. I couldn’t help but shake my head at her. She was always taking off with a different guy every night, claiming she was too young to be tied down by only one man. She had tried her best to convince me that I needed to go out with her, but from some of the stories she had told me I knew that I would not enjoy myself if I did take her up on her offer.

Heaven and Hell (D.A book 2) (Onhold)Where stories live. Discover now