Chapter XXIII

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I don't own any of the pictures I put here and sorry if the chapter is a bit too cheesy.


/ t w e n t y t h r e e /

Axle's POV

A few months have passed after the death of Lalix' parents. She became happy, like her usual old self but mentioning her parents were still a big no no.

Surely Lalix would love these flowers. I bought flowers for Lalix and what I meant by flowers I mean I bought a whole lot of it.

The flowers were supposedly gonna be delivered at our house. Lalix is not at home because she went out with George to get Oreo groomed but it was all part of the plan.

Well, you may be wondering, What the hell is this plan?

It's our first anniversary.

And I want it to be so memorable for her.

Ding Dong...

I opened the door to let the workers come in. They bought with them two trucks filled with bouquets of red roses placed in vases. They quickly filled the living room with it. I texted George to ask if they were almost done and coincidentally they're almost done.

I made a lot of messages on a plain white paper, I couldn't find anywhere to write it so I hope that's okay enough. I made those messages to roll around and tie on the string of a balloon and let the messages float all over the living room, above the flowers.

After I was done with everything I looked at what I made and smiled thinking about Lalix' reaction.

I was about to text George that they should come home but someone texted me and I quickly looked at it.

From: Racquel (The Hoe)

Axle, I still love you. Come back to me baby.

If you may or may not know, Racquel is my ex. She's fucking crazy. When I broke up with her I was at a party the next day and I was drunk but I was still a bit sober.

I saw that she fucking spiked my drink! But drunk me didn't acknowledge that and still drank that. I woke up the next day in her house not remembering anything, she said that I'm her mate. The situation of me thinking that we were actually mates lasted for three days before I got suspicious.

George then came to visit Racquel because they are cousins meaning Racquel is a witch too. He rescued me from that situation, gave me back my memories and shipped Racquel away.

Now that's that.

I ignored the text from her and texted George to come home. I placed my phone in the pocket of my jeans and made some finishing touches. I turned off the lights after.

Awhile later I heard keys jingling and I quickly hid behind the sofa. The door opened and I heard someone opening the lights.

I heard Lalix gasp. I stood up from where I was hiding then shouted,

"Happy Anniversary!"

Lalix looked at me, covering her opened mouth with her hands. "It's our anniversary?" Lalix asked still in shock. George then laughed as Oreo entered barking at the flowers.

I went near Lalix and kissed her on the lips.

"Close your eyes Oreo." I heard George said as he carried Oreo away probably going to the kitchen.

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