Chapter XX

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/ t w e n t y /

I woke up pretty much on the right side of the bed or was it the bright side I don't know but anyways. Merin called me that my parents were awake already and I literally was so excited that I almost peed my pants. I'll finally be able to see my parents again! I feel kind of guilty that I didn't get to see them as much because- I have no excuse really but I really just want to see them now.

I got dressed into casual clothes consisting of leggings and a big ass sweater. I'm only seeing my parents plus I'm too excited to actually think through what I am gonna wear. I didn't even wake Axle up because he looked so cozy with the peach colored fuzzy blanket that I bought. I kissed him on the forehead and left.

I drove his car to the pack hospital which is only 5 minutes away and I honestly think it would've took me longer if I walked because gravity. I got out of the car and didn't even bothered to register my name in the guests list.

I rushed to their room and saw my parents lying together watching a random show that was muted. They were talking when I walked in and their gaze almost broke my heart. I smiled at them.

I felt like a kid again.

I rushed to them and hugged them so tight that I was sure they were running out of oxygen. They looked at me teary eyed as if I'm going to die. I smiled at them and I couldn't even speak because seeing them alive was enough for me.

"I love you mom and dad."

I didn't know if I said that as a goodbye because something was up and I am not sure of it. I just wanted to breath in through this moment.

"We love you too honey. Don't forget that." My dad said hugging me to his chest and kissing the top of my head.

Comfortable silence filled the room then he spoke up again.

"Remember when you said that you wanted to be a princess?" I laughed dryly as I remembered it as if it was only yesterday. I nodded my head at him, tears threatening to fall down my eyes.

"I hope Axle treats you like the way you should be treated,

Like a princess.

"One day you're gonna be a queen and give birth to beautiful little princess' and princes but to me you're still gonna be my same little princess.

"The one me and you're mom took to the carnival, just to see her laugh when she's sad because she got her wisdom tooth out.

"The one that I used to always go home early for just to read her bedtime stories.

"The one that I always took to the small ice cream shop at midnight just to buy her ice cream, to make her smile because she was scolded by her mother about breaking one of her fancy vase." My dad said smiling, thinking about all those memories, looking afar.

"My little princess, Can you buy me ice cream?"

And that's when I broke out, I don't know why but I did and I shamelessly cried on my parents' lap but nonetheless I agreed. I smiled with tears streaming down from my eyes. I never would've thought in a million years that a sentence like that can make me cry so much.

I hugged them so tight and went out of the room. I closed the door closely looking at them smiling sweetly at me with wrinkles forming at the ends of their shining eyes. A tear fell as I shut the door and I wiped my whole face. I forced a smile.

Well, time for ice cream.

I walked to the convenient store that was coincidentally not so far from the pack hospital. I honestly felt like a wreck. I immediately went and found my mom and dads favorite ice cream flavor, Vanilla and Chocolate. My mood lightened up a little bit because I finally got to see my parents and hopefully spend more time with them.

I paid for it and ran as fast as I could back to the hospital. I stopped sprinting when I reached the door to my parents room. I took a deep breath and prepared a smile on my face as I opened the door.

"Hey mom and dad. I got the Ice cream with me. Your favorites!" I said while I entered but I was greeted with something more shocking. I looked at the heart monitor that was dead straight and I couldn't help but immediately cry at the sight of it. The ice cream slipped out of my hands and I stood there frozen, tears falling down like waterfalls.

After accepting the truth that they were really dead then did I broke down on the floor, gasping for air and crying out so loud. My cries were the only thing that I can hear, next to my heart shattering all over again.

I lost them for real now.

I took them for granted.

I wish I got the time to say one last I love you.

One last goodbye.

I wish everything was back to normal.

Back when mom and dad was with me, alive.

Back when I used to be dad's little princess.


/ n o t e /

Im sorry that thats all I can write because it hurts to write this chapter but I don't know if it came out good. Tell me what you think about it! And thank you guys for your support! Please comment, i love reading your comments guys. Sorry if you didn't like the chapter.

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