She's Mine.

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(I am so sorry about publishing late. I've spent the last 5 days without Internet, but I finally get to publish this chapter. So here enjoy! ^-^)

Narrator's p.o.v.
It was 10:06 am when (Y/N) woke up. You had realized that you were in your own bed. The last thing you had remembered was talking to bill and then falling asleep.

"Good morning (Y/N)."

"Morning bill."

Bill walked over to you and sat next to you. He handed you a muffin. You looked at him and started eating it.

Bill watched you the entire time and it was making you feel uncomfortable.

"Do you need something, bill?"

He shook his head still watching you,"No."

You couldn't take it anymore, "Bill, why are you staring me?"

"You've got crumbs on your face," he pointed.

You rubbed off where he pointed. "Did I get them off?"

"No, wait hold on."

Bill then leaned to your face. He grabbed your chin and licked your left cheek. You blushed like crazy as he licked your other cheek, and kissed your lips.

Soon after, bill pulled away. He smiled at the sight of you. "Tastes good."

"What tastes good?!?!"

He chuckled,"The muffin."

You were now blushing redder than a tomato, if possible. You felt embarrassed,"Right."

Dipper's p.o.v.
I finally woke up at 10:29am. I quickly got out of bed not bothering to change. I ran to the vending machine, put in the pass code and went through.

When I arrived in the basement, I started looking for great uncle Ford. I found him in his lab working like usual.

"Great uncle Ford!"

"Oh hello dipper."

"Great uncle Ford, I need to tell you something. It's about bill."

He stopped what he was working on and looked at me. "Tell me everything."

I had told him about when (Y/N) came into town and how we both became good friends. Then one day, bill and (Y/N) showed up at the Mystery Shack, and how he told me to stay away from her. I also told him about my dream with bill and what I found in the journal.

"How did bill get in our dimension?"

"I'm not sure."

Ford looked at his journal,"I do recall bill telling me about a young girl that he had become quite fond of. She was sweet and beautiful, but she held a secret power that had much energy contained within it."

"The girl was a siren?"

"Yes, but she wasn't just a siren. The young girl had the ability to do almost anything. She was also what you would call a hybrid."

"Now that i think about it, mabel was telling me how (Y/N) was using powers. Could she really be this girl?"

"There's a high chance. Bill's never been fond of anyone, but that girl."

"I need to talk to bill."

"Dipper be careful."


With that I left the basement back through the vending machine. I got ready, and left the Mystery Shack. 'Bill, what are you hiding?'

Narrator's p.o.v.
(Y/N) had already changed. "So what should we do today?"

Bill shrugged,"I don't know."

Suddenly there were knocks at your door. Bill went to the door and opened it. There he saw dipper panting.

"(Y/N) I'll be back in a few minutes."

"Um ok then?"

Bill walked out the front door and closed it. "I have a soundproof barrier around us, so what do you want Pine tree?"

"Is (Y/N) that girl you knew long ago?"

Bill looked at him with angry in his eyes. "Didn't I say it's none of your business!!! Why can't you just back off?!"

"Because I care about (Y/N)!"

Dipper looked at bill. He looked disappointed and angry. "Bill do you like (Y/N)?"

Bill said nothing. He had this guilty look on his face like he did something wrong. Bill just looked at the ground.



"She's mine."

"Bill you can't just claim her like an item!"

"I'm not!"

"Why won't you just say how you feel about her?!"

"Why do you care how I feel?!"

"Because-," then dipper saw (Y/N) looking through the window. She looked worried.

"One of these days you have to explain everything."


After bill said that, the soundproof barrier was gone and he walked back inside. (Y/N) looked at them both concerned. Bill looked as if he was about to go on a rampage, and dipper looked disappointed and bothered.

"What happened?"

"It's nothing."

"Stop saying 'It's nothing' and tell me what's wrong!"

When bill turned around to look at you, he was shocked. You had tears rolling down your cheeks. He felt guilty, because this was partly his fault.

"(Y/N) I'm sorry."

"Just tell me what you two were talking about that made you so mad."

"Dipper had questions about me.....and you."

"Questions about what?"

"My past and yours. The thing that made me mad was that information is none of his business. What's ever happened between you and I has nothing to do with dipper."

"Do you know something about my past that I don't?"

"Yes, but I want you to find out by yourself."

There was silence for a few minutes. Bill walked up to you and wrapped his arms around you. You just stood there not knowing what to think or do.


"Yes bill?"

"No matter what anyone tells you, will you stay with me?"

You weren't sure what to say. Although, you knew what you really wanted. You wanted the same thing.

"Only if you never leave me. Deal?"

"Deal," he said with a chuckle. You smiled as you looked at bill and he looked at you. He leaned down until your lips were connected. You looked at him blushing, then closed your eyes, and kissed back.

Siren's Mystery (Bill Cipher x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now