Nice to See You Partner.

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(Ok I just cried. The ending of the final episode of Gravity Falls was kinda heartwarming and sad.)

Narrator's p.o.v.
The next day you woke up to the bright sun shining in your eyes. You sat up and rubbed your eyes. Then when you were about to get out of bed, you had bumped into 'Bill?!'


He woke up and covered your mouth,"Shhh. Your parents are home."

He pulled his hand away,"Bill what are you doing in here and in the bed?"

"What? I got lonely."


"Ok whatever."

He wrapped his arm around your shoulders,"So had fun last night at the party?"

"Oh yeah. I did."

"That's good," he began to lean in, but you backed away. He looked at you and asked,"What's wrong?"

"Um bill I'm not sure if we should."

"Ok I understand," he frowned.

Then you heard a knock at your door. "(Y/N) sweetheart. You have a visitor."

You looked confused, while bill looked at the door frustrated since he knew who was here. 'Singer boy.'

"Bill leave or turn around."

"Ok ok. I'm turning around."

You used your powers to change and be fully ready in one a minute and a half. This was a good practice lesson. Then you looked at bill.

"Ok bill. Um here's the thing. If I go somewhere don't stalk me."

"(Y/N) if you go, what am I suppose to do?"

"You'll think of something," you said. He frowned as you left.

You went downstairs and saw the guy from the party. Brandon was his name. He was talking to your parents and they seem to be enjoying themselves.

Your mother noticed you and smiled,"Oh (Y/N). Look who showed up. Brandon."

"Hey Brandon."

"Nice to see you partner."

"Well why don't you two go on and have fun."


Without a word she pushed you two out the house. You looked so confused. 'What just happened?'

"Hey let's go do something together. I mean it's been forever since we actually hung out."

"Yeah sure."

You two began walking, but bill hid in the shadows watching over you. You didn't have breakfast and neither did Brandon. So you both stopped by Greasy's Dinner.

After that you showed him around town. You both talked  and played dumb games. It was fun to have an old friend to hang around with for once.

The day seemed to be over in a few minutes and it was getting dark now. "Hey Brandon maybe we should go back now."

"Ok," then he noticed something shining around your neck. "What's that?"

"Oh this? It was a valentine's gift."

"From your boyfriend?"

"What are you talking about?! I don't have a boyfriend?!"

"A famous singer, who's gorgeous no matter what she looks like and is the sweetest person ever. I don't believe you."

"Well I don't!,"then you thought,'Wait did he just call me gorgeous?!"

"Ok fine."

"So who was that blonde haired guy?" You felt yourself blush.

"He's a friend of mine."

"Oh ok."

'Did he really think bill was my boyfriend or something?! Wait why am I not disturbed by that thought?'

"You ok?"

"Oh yeah. I am."

"Ok. If you say so."

When you arrived at your house, you both said goodbye. Then you went inside. Brandon watched you walk in, until you were out of sight. He didn't have the courage to tell you again. Finally, he left to go home.

You went straight to your room and jumped on the bed. You were exhausted from walking all day, but today was still fun.

"Fun, huh?"

"Oh hey bill. What's wrong?"

"(Y/N) I missed you. He took you away today, when I wanted to spend the whole day with you."

You looked at bill suprised,"Wait what are you jealous, bill?"

He blushed,"I wouldn't say that."

"Well, maybe tomorrow."

Bill looked at you, "Really?"

"Sure why not."

He suddenly hugged you. Bill felt you hug him back. He began to feel happy. 'Is this what happiness feels like?'

You pulled back,"Ok if we're going to hang out tomorrow. You've got to be ready in the morning. Got that?"

"Yes I do."

"Goodnight bill."

"Goodnight (Y/N)."

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