Morning Suprises.

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(Hello everyone it's me, this is the picture of bill and (Y/N) from the last chapter. Onto a new chapter I go!)

(Y/N) p.o.v.
When you woke up the next morning it was 6:37am. You never wake up this early. You looked at the sheets of paper bill gave you last night, 'Why did he give me song lyrics?,' you thought.

Then you thought,'I wonder how bill's doing.' With that you got out of bed, left your room, and peeked into the guest room. You saw bill sleeping on the bed. 'So he really did go to sleep. Why do I feel so weird?'

You went in, closed the door, and walked over to bill. You got in the bed with him, you felt less lonely than before and it was really comforting. Eventually you fell back to sleep there.

Mabel's p.o.v.
It was 8:00am when I woke up. I got out of bed and walked downstairs to get something to eat. When I neared the kitchen, I heard Grunkle Stan talking to some guy I never seen before.

They were talking about the party stan was having to get more money. Then I heard the guy say that Wildcat will be performing there. I could not contain my excitement, so I ran back to the attic and shook Dipper until he was awake.

He finally opened his eyes, sat up, and looked at mabel, "Mabel this better be important. I was sleeping."

"Oh my gosh! Dipper, guess who I just heard was going to perform at stan's party!"


"Wildcat! I can't believe she's going to be there!"

"Isn't Wildcat one of the top singers this year?"


"Wow I can't believe it either. How did stan get a famous singer like her to perform at his party?"

"I have no idea."

Bill's p.o.v.
Bill sat up and opened his eyes. Then he realized it was morning. He looked around then noticed you in the bed, sleeping next to him. He blushed slightly at this.

He leaned down and whispered in your ear, "(Y/N) wake up its morning."

You slowly opened your eyes, "Bill?"

"Yes it's me. Also I have a question."


He grabbed your chin, so that you looked directly at him and his face was only a few inches away from yours,"How is it that I can't sleep in your room, but you can sleep in here with me?"

You blushed 10 different shades of red. You didn't know how to answer that. Bill chuckled at the sight of you like this.

You pushed away, got out of the bed, and left the room. He smiled,"Same as ever."

(Y/N) p.o.v.
When you entered your room, you were still blushing like crazy. You didn't know what to think. You got in your bed and hugged your pillow. Then you saw that picture of you and bill.

'How come bill knows me so well,' you thought. Then you looked away, grabbed your earphones and listened to music until 9:00am.

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