Bonus 3: Nuclear

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Published on site: September 20, 2011

Author's note: Due to being very long, this bonus will be broken down into more than one chapter.


     “Oi, Kyo! Do you mind if I use the tv in the lounge?”

     “Hm? You can, but why do you did it for?”

     “Well remember how I told ya ‘bout the box that weird guy gave me? It’s got a dvd, but none of the tvs at the hotel scan disks anymore.”

     “In that case, go right ahead. Do you mind if I watch it with you?”

     “Meh, sure. It’s probably just some old video of my dad as a kid or somethin’.”



<Press PLAY to start movie>

     Greetings. If you are watching this, then that means I managed to live long enough to see Hawking’s child with my very own eyes. What you are about to witness is what I was able to compile during World War III, when Hawking became close friends with a few very special people. However, since I only checked up on him every once in a while, you’ll merely glimpse at small patches of what occurred. As much as I would have liked to gather more, all of the data in the video cameras were erased once the base was terminated, so like a broken vase, there are many holes were pieces used to be, but now only live on in faded memory.

     Now before I ramble on off-topic to the point of making no sense, let us begin.


     It’s January 11, 2088. The snow is thick in Kyoto, Japan after three straight days of heavy blizzards. The military base located in this area is extensive, constructed out of bulletproof steel that takes up land the equivalent of a small town. It’s divided into different sections, which are further divided into categories with certain purposes. To start off this story, we will take a look at Block A, specifically the hospital wing in Category 7.

     “This man is in critical condition!” a woman shouted in a very calm yet stern voice. “If no one is going to remove the pole, I will do it myself! Don’t just stand there! Get me the medical kit!”

     This woman was a nurse in training, so I think you can immediately see the problem with this. She was a generally kind, intelligent person, but her emotions always lead her into making reckless decisions. Her name was Natalie Rosile, a French woman who had volunteered for the war as soon as she was old enough. She had a slight accent, but she spoke English as fluently as she did in French. She was also a Fox Furry, just in the ears and tail, with cooper brown eyes and waist-length blonde hair that frequently had her mistaken for a Fennec.

     Cut to an hour after the incident, where her superior was giving her quite the scolding for that stunt. “This is the third time you’ve done this! You’re lucky I don’t have you deported!” he yelled while tapping the end of his pen on his clipboard. “I’m taking you out of the emergency room! From now on, you are going to take care of the treated soldiers in Category 6.”

     “I apologize,” she said humbly. “I will not repeat the same mistake with this duty. You have my word.”

     Luckily for her, because she wasn’t the only nurse in Category 6, her work was narrowed down to just one room: Room 7K. It had everything a regular hospital would normally have, so the soldiers were mostly comfortable during their recovery. It was large enough to fit six men, but right now it was occupied by two. She decided to give them their meals and such one at a time, starting with the man closest to the door.

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