This sucks.

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It's the first day of school now. I can finally talk to Jacob in person. It's been to long. We barely talked over the summer. I miss him. I miss him a lot.

I go to the wall so I know what home room I'm in. I looks for my friends names. I find them. None of them are in my homeroom. Fuck.

I look for Jacobs name, and it's not there. I walk back into the cafeteria and I overhear someone saying he doesn't go here anymore. No way. That can't be. He was the reason I looked forward to school. What do I do now? I see Jocelyn starting to approach me. I have to play it off cool.

"hey. It sucks that we aren't in the same homeroom."

I nod.

"And also, we have the same lockers as last year, and you know how much I hate mine!"

I laugh. Jocelyn has a corner locker. It sucks, a lot. I hear the bell ring, which means everyone has to go to their home rooms. I literally have nobody. This sucks.

I don't even have Jacob anymore.

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