October 18th

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I'm now home, and I get a text from Jacob. Oh god. I've deleted his number and messages because I couldn't bare to see it.

"Hey Rosie it's Jacob."

"Hey. What's up"

"Nothing much I go to a different school now, but I gotta tell you something."


He's typing. It didn't take long.

"I like you."

Time stops. My stomach goes crazy. My breathing starts to go out of control. Tears start rolling down my face.

My dream came true.

I text him back.

"I like you too!"

"Really? Do you wanna be my girlfriend?"


My dream is officially real. I text everyone I could. This is real. Jacosie is real. It's actually real! No. It can't be.

"Wait what happened to Erica?"

"I broke up with her."


I'm still bawling my eyes out. My crush is now mine. I'm his. This, is real.

We send snapchats to each other. He called me beautiful when I sent him a selfie. We also go on Xbox for a few hours and talk about life, and the new relationship.

It's now Sunday night. Jacob had to go back to his moms, where he can't have his phone. I saw my final goodbye and read over the text messages from today. It makes me smile every damn time.

October 18th is now one of the best days of my life.

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