Twenty Two: We'll be okay

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"You are now allowed to go in and see him but one person at a time." The nurse said as if it was no big deal. The whole room was filled with people for Michael.

"Drew can go first." Ashton said and everyone nodded and agreed. Luke actually wanted to go in but Drew is his boyfriend..

"Okay.." He said nervously and followed the nurse down the hall. When arriving at room 215 he hesitantly opened the door and saw his boyfriend.

Michael looked like death. He sat down and grabbed Michaels hand but the boy just seemed so out of it.

"Mikey?" The dark green eyes met his eyes. When he realized Drew was in the room his eyes widened and he sat up quickly.

"Oh my god I was so scared are you okay?" Michael asked immediately and that shocked drew. Shouldn't he be the one who is worried?

"What?" He asked in confusion.

"Do you still have your apartment? Your job?" Michael quickly asked.

"Babe yes." Michael furrowed his eyebrows.

"Check again. They said they were gonna take your job and your house and oh my god.. Where are my parents? Are they her--"

"Mikey you're getting all upset please calm down." Michael frowned and just laid back in the bed and had the permeant frown on his face.

"I'll check later I'm worried about you right now. What the hell were you thinking?" Drew lectured. Michael definitely didn't wanna hear a lecture right now. He didn't wanna be alive but he also didn't wanna be dead so he's messed up right now.

"Luke's here." Michaels eyes widened and he stared at drew in shock.

"W-What?" Michael stuttered out. Luke is here? For him?

Seeing Michaels reaction, drew just stood up and walked out to get Luke. Maybe he would make him feel better but now that Michael mentioned everything with his job he was curious now.

When he went out in to the waiting room everyone stared at him curiously.

"Luke you need to go see him." Then drew left. The blonde immediately made his way down the hall and into the room.

"Mikey?" The boy with the distressed grey eyes looked over at the blonde and then looked back at his hands as he nervously fiddled.

Luke sat right next to Michael and set his hand over top of Michaels.

"Please tell me what happened." Michael sighed and sat up to adjust himself. He turned to Luke and just when he was about to talk to Luke in the corner of his eye he saw a guy dressed in a suit out in the hallway.

It was Jake from management. He was shaking his head and held up his phone and walked away. Michaels breath started picking up and he started shaking.

"No no no no." Michael panicked as he was pulling the stuff out of him. Machines started beeping as he was ripping the wires out of his skin. He wanted to go tell the ruthless man that he would do anything. Luke's eyes widened and he stood up.

"Michael what the hell are you doing?!"

"I gotta stop him! He can't do that!" Michael cried out but as soon as he stood up he almost fell. Luke immediately caught him though.

"Luke please take me out there! We gotta stop him!" Michael cried out as he felt tears rushing down his face.

"Babe please stop! Please calm down!" Luke said and felt tears gather in his eyes. This was the most heartbreaking thing to look at. Michael just started sobbing loudly into his shoulder.

They both dropped to the floor and Luke cradled Michael. He held onto him so tightly because he was so afraid he was gonna lose him.

A nurse walked in but Luke shushed her out with his hand. She nodded and left.

Michael held onto Luke so tightly and he was shaking so bad. Luke was getting so scared that Michael would have a panic attack or even a heart attack because he's freaking out so much.

"I love you so much Michael. Please calm down. I don't want anything to happen to you."

"I wanna die." Michael blubbered out in between sobs. That's when Luke's heart broke and tears fell.

"Please don't say that. Please Mikey. Everyone loves you we would be devastated if something would happen to you." Luke said and Michael pulled away and wiped the tears from his eyes.

"Everyone is gonna hate me." Michael mumbled staring brokenly at Luke.

"Why would everyone hate you?" Luke asked as he held both of Michaels hands.

"I don't know if I can tell you... What if they do it to you too?? You just got your family back. I don't wanna be the reason the--"

"Michael who? Please tell me! Please tell me what happened. This is fucking serious! You could have died! I'm not messing around with this shit anymore." Michael frowned and looked down. He wasn't upset by Luke's tone. It's just the fact that he really did almost die..

"Management came to me and told me how they were taking everything away cause I broke the contract.." Michael said almost in a whispered tone but Luke got it.

"What do you mean they are taking everything away from you?" Luke asked

"They are taking my parents jobs they are taking our healthcare and my houses and my money and they are taking Drews job and his house and they are taking me to court." Luke's eyes widened. Michael let more tears fall.

"I didn't mean to take many pills that's the truth. I wanted to sleep for a bit hoping everything would be okay when I woke up." Michael explained, sadness evident in his voice. Luke frowned.

"He was just here staring at me through the window and I wanna tell him to not do it all cause I'll do anything but he's not gonna listen and I'm so afraid." Michael said. Luke sighed and helped Michael back up his bed.

"Nothing is gonna happen to you. I promise I'm gonna talk to the rest of the band and we are gonna discuss dropping them." Michaels eyes widened

"No! What if they do the same thing with you guys?!" Michael panicked and Luke just laid in the bed and turned on his side.

"Nothing will happen. Everything is gonna be fine okay? Please just rest. I'm not leaving."


"I promise."

I think I'm just gonna continue things like this. Like what's happening now. I have no desire to write anymore for the story but I can try to finish it

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