Twenty: Lost and Found

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"What's going on?"Luke asked and Michael just kinda stepped backwards. He didn't want to be involved but then he realized that he was the whole reason they were all in the bathroom. Tyler glared over at Michael before deciding to speak.

"Saw this punk and I thought I would tell him to back off, I'm tired of him hurting you Luke." Luke couldn't keep his eyes off Michael. After 6 months, here he is.

"I didn't ask for you to do that, Tyler!" Luke snapped at the older/taller man.

"Well, I'm tired of hearing about him from you! You've been so upset about him for so long!" Tyler yelled and the other boys stayed silent.

"I'm tired of it! It just seems like I'm babysitting you! Like i'm a rebound!" Tyler spat and Luke got slightly angry as he yelled down at him.

"I love him, Tyler!"

Everyone completely froze in the room. Michael swears his heart stopped. Luke couldn't believe he just said that.

"Y-You love him?" Luke glanced over at Michael who was standing their in shock. He hesitantly nodded cause he didn't want to lie..

But he didn't want to admit the truth.

"This is your fault." Tyler said turning to him and giving Michael a stern angry look. He slowly walked over to the black haired boy.

"Back off dude." Michael warned.

"Tyler don't--"

"Shut up!" Luke flinched and gasped when he saw Tyler lunge at Michael and immediately threw punches. Luke gasped and ran over and tried pulling him off of Michael but Tyler just turned around and forcefully pushed Luke off his feet and he flew back and hit his head off the stall.

Michael got so mad that he only threw three punches and Tyler was knocked out. Luke whimpered as the pain in his head increased and Michael rushed over to the blonde and helped him up.

A few of the employees rushed into the bathroom and they saw how Michael had a black eye and Tyler was laying on the ground.

"Police! Police! Aide!" Michael shouted and one pulled out their cellphone.

"Are you okay?" Michael asked and Luke sighed and nodded.


Michael was fired.

He was fired from the only job he was able to get.

All because of Tyler.

The police almost took him to jail because he knocked Tyler out but Luke was a witness and told them what happened. Michael was sitting behind the building where his crap car was and he just sat on a stool with his head in his hands.

"Hey." Michael looked up and sighed when seeing Luke walking towards him.

"Hi." Michael whispered. Luke sat right next to him and didn't say a word. They sat in silence and the tension was there.

"I don't even know what to say." Luke said and looked up at Michael who was just staring at his car with a pathetic sad expression upon his face.

"There's nothing to say." Michael muttered and then stood up and walked to his car. Luke instantly shot up.

"Wait? Where are you going?"

"Home. My boyfriend is waiting." Lukes heart stopped. Boyfriend? What?

"Oh.. Can we maybe like meetup tomorrow? Have some coffee?" Luke asked and Michael sighed. Of course he wanted to go. He just isn't sure if he's ready.

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