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Michael slammed on the brake pedal putting the car in park and running into the airport. He didn't care where he parked it and he didn't care if it got towed away. He ran into the doors of the busy Los Angeles airport. He looked at the board that held the scheduled flights.

His eyes scanned the board until he saw the next sydney flight leaves in 15 minutes. He has 15 minutes to get through security and find the gate. He rushed to the desk.

"I need one ticket on the next flight to sydney." He said still panting from running. He pulled out one of his cards from his wallet and pulled out his passport.

"The next flight leaves in 15 minutes? and the only seat available is in First Class." she said.

"I don't care! I need to get on that flight now. Please!" He begged and she sighed and took the card.

After a few minutes she gave him the ticket and he ran as fast as he could to security. He groaned when seeing a huge line.

"No no no no." he mumbled to himself.

He went into the other line and was about to make it to security until he was stopped by someone yanking his arm back.

"Where do you think you're going kid?"

"I'm in a band. 5 Seconds of Summer. Look its an emergency! I wouldn't be in this line if it wasn't I promise." Michael once again begged. The guard looked very hesitant until..

"Show me I.D." He said sternly and Michael did. The guy grumbled something before letting Michael go.

After Michael got through security he ran to his gate. There was so many people he was frantically looking around. He was looking for him. He couldn't find him anywhere. He asked people where his gate was and they all pointed to the one at the end of the hall.

As soon as he got there his stomach erupted into butterflies when seeing the blonde sitting by the window staring out the window. They both still had on their outfits from their VMA performance.

"Luke?" he immediately turned around and Michaels heart broke even more when he said Lukes eyes were swollen and tears streamed down his face.

"Why are you here? Haven't you done enough?" Luke asked bitterly. Michael sat across from him.

"Please let me explain-"

"I don't want to hear it. You, Calum, and Ashton are finally getting what you guys want... me gone." Luke mumbled and sniffled. He wiped his eyes with the sleeves of his black long sleeve shirt.

"Thats not what I want. We want you to stay please don't go." Michael begged tears brimming his eyes.

"How did you get here anyway? You have to have a ticket to get here." Luke asked not looking at Michael.

"I bought one." Michael said holding up the ticket and his passport.

"You're going back to Australia?" Luke asked looking at Michael.

"I don't want to but if it means getting you back then i'd travel the whole world."

Luke looked down and sighed.

"I quit 5SOS okay? Thats it. I don't want anything to do with you guys anymore. I don't want to be with you anymore." Luke said trying to sound convincing.

"No please Luke don't leave please. We regret it and we will do anything to makeup for it. When you left Calum started crying and he was yelling at Ashton. I broke down on the way here. We will be terrible without you with us."

"Its to late for that." Luke said and stood up. Michael let tears start to fall.

"I love you please don't go. Please don't leave me I love you so much." Michael cried out while grabbing Lukes hand.

Lukes heart broke when hearing broken sobs leave his lover. But it was the best thing to do. He was tired of it.

"Flight 215 going to sydney is now boarding." The lady on the intercom said.

"I don't love you anymore Michael. Don't follow me. I don't want to be with you."

and with that Luke left. Michael fell to the floor and just sobbed not caring that everyone in the airport could hear him. His heart was ripped in half and it was his fault..

He was the only one to blame.


"She made another new story?"



I wanna dedicate this to my awesome new friend Jordan! She was texting me when I was thinking of this story. ILY JORDAN!


The Famous Dare ; mukeOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz