Nine: Don't Try to Find Me

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The door creaked open slightly and Karen stepped into Michaels room. She had a permanent frown on her face knowing her son was depressed and she couldn't do much to help.

His suitcases were on the floor completely untouched meaning when he entered the house a week ago, he threw them on the ground and immediately went to sleep. She has not had one conversation with him the whole time he's been back because, every time he would wake up.. He would force himself to go to sleep again by taking melatonin.

"Michael? Hun? Get up." She said shaking his body. He groaned and turned his head away.

"Michael come on. Me and your dad need to talk to you." She whispered softly while rubbing his back.

"I don't care." He said back, his voice cracked from not using it.

"Well we care. Please get up? You can go to sleep after." He sighed. He didn't want to be a pain in the ass with his parents. So he sat up and stood up from the bed, only to collapse to the floor.

"Oh my god!" Karen gasped and immediately helped up the boy.

"What's wrong with my legs?" Michael asked dumbly.

"You haven't walked in a week! You haven't done anything in a week but sleep!" Karen said angrily. Michael frowned and didn't realize it's been that long.

Karen dragged her son out into the living room where his father was sat waiting for him. She placed him on the couch and sat next to Daryl.

"Michael we know you are going threw a really rough time right now. We are beyond on worried." Michael rolled his eyes and leaned back in the seat.

"We decided to call you a therapist so you can maybe talk to som--"

"You did what?!" Michael shouted with wide eyes.

"Michael! Don't be difficult! We are scared to death! We didn't know what was going on! We called Liz!" He froze and looked at them with an intense gaze.

"What did she say?" They sighed.

"She told us what happened between you and Luke. He's not going threw the same thing but her and Luke are worried about you too." Michael laughed bitterly and stood up.

"They don't give a shit about me mum. Stop trying to convince yourself of that. Luke is happy and Liz is probably happy too." He said but he wasn't done.

"You know what? I don't know why Luke brought me here. All you guys do is treat me like I'm so broken China doll. I'm nineteen years old and you guys still think you can tell me where to go and what to do. Well guess what? I'm not going to your goddamn therapy appointment." Michael snapped and left his parents shocked while he grabbed his suitcases and left.

And he got into his car and drove off.


"I mean it's a nice apartment. You have a great view of the city and you are very close to some great local shops." The real estate agent said. Michael nodded looking around the small flat.

"I'll take it." Michael said handing him a check and the man smiled before leaving.

Michael threw down his suitcases and pulled out his MacBook and sat down at the couch. He was happy to have his own place to live now. He didn't have to be bossed around by anyone anymore.

He went on Twitter and saw everyone was still throwing a fit about the VMAs. People were sending hate to Michael about Ashton, and he saw update accounts tweet on how his best friend was doing.

@5SOS_Update: Ashton is leaving the hospital tomorrow! His family is with him and we are all glad to hear he is doing okay!

Michael sighed and looked threw their tweets.

@5SOS_Update: Calum was spotted leaving the hospital yesterday.

There's a picture of Calum covering his face with his hoodie and he was walking past fans. He looked upset and Michael frowned.

@5SOS_Update: Luke was with arzaleya and Tyler last night at a club. Few people say they saw Luke and Tyler kissing 😏

Michael felt his already broken heart.. Ache badly. He went to the next tweet and felt himself freeze.

@5SOS_Update: Everyone keeps asking about what's going on with Michael. I don't know what he's doing. He completely disappeared. All I know is he was in the local county jail a week ago.

He shook his head and went on his Twitter account quickly typing in a tweet.

@Michael5SOS: Twitcam in 5 minutes.

He immediately got flooded with notifications. But went on Twitcam and set it up. He was nervous as he clicked live and in the matter of seconds he had thousands of views.

Looking at the picture of himself on the screen he didn't realize how bad he looked. His hair was faded to an odd color? Like it was a horrible faded color. Even though he has done nothing but slept, he still looked exhausted. The bags under his eyes were nearly black and he was as pale ice. Also a bruise under his eye from when he fought with Ashton.

He looked bad.

"Hey guys." Michael whispered and watched in shock as the views went up to 10 thousand.

"So a lot of you have been wondering what's happened and what I've been doing.." Michael said and he saw people sending comments.

"Well to start off.. You all know what happened at the VMAs so I'm not saying anything about that but after that... I lost everything. I lost my band.. I lost my best friends, I lost the love of my life. Hell I even lost myself." Michael felt tears brim in his eyes.

Little did he know his band mates were watching. Ashton was laying in his hospital bed listening to music on his Mac and got michaels tweet notification. He immediately clicked the notification and saw how horrible Michael looked.

Calum was playing on his xbox and he also got the notification. He quit the game and turned his full attention to Michael.

And lastly Luke.. He was with Tyler. He saw Michael tweeted about a Twitcam and borrowed Tyler's MacBook and hid in the bathroom to watch.

"I'm such an idiot." Michael mumbled to himself. He shouldn't have made a damn Twitcam. This isn't gonna solve anything.

"I'm sorry to everyone. To everybody that I've hurt. To everyone I disappointed. I'm sorry Ashton, for beating the hell out of you. You probably hate me and always will be I'm so sorry." Michael cried out and sniffled. Tears were streaming down his face.

"I'm sorry Calum for being such an asshole. I'm sorry for everything."

"Luke I'm sorry for being the worse boyfriend ever. I'm sorry for being the cause of your unhappy tears. I'm sorry for making that video and posting it to the world." Michael apologized and he broke down to sobs. He couldn't even look at the screen cause all he saw was the disappointed comments.

"I didn't come on here to get attention. I came on here to say goodbye." Michael said and it seemed like internet exploded.

"Goodbye to everyone. Cause I'm quitting 5SOS and everything else."

"Nobody try to contact me in any way and don't try to find me."

And then he ended the Twitcam.


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