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((Here's chapter 2! I didn't expect people to read this but you guys seem to like it, so I won't keep you waiting any longer! Please enjoy! And before you ask (which you probably won't), Ceana's personality is partially based off of mine, as most of my main characters are. I'm really hoping to introduce Ceana's other friends in this one. Now, lets get on with this shit!

Writer: get on with this shit!

You get on with this shit.

Homestuck and all of its characters belong to Andrew Hussie. My characters belong to me so back off! They're mine! Enjoy.))

I sat there, hoping that I'm staring at another cosplayer. But he looked too much like John to be a cosplayer. His innocence in that question. It's just too...perfect? I don't know. None of the cosplayers at this school role play except me and my friends.


My mind snapped back to reality. Uh-oh. How am I going to answer this question? Holy shit holy shit holy shit holy shit holy--

'You have one minute to get to the cafeteria before they close the doors!' I have never been so happy to hear that voice. I stood up, grabbed Danni. "Sorry gotta go! C'mon Terezi!" I dragged my best friend to the cafeteria.


"What was that about?" Danni asked once we stepped into the cafeteria. We walked over to the counter to grab out trays.

"You saw who that was right?!" I asked. I grabbed a sandwich and a carton of milk. I dropped a 5 dollar bill onto the counter.

"Of course I did," Danni replied with a bored shrug. "That was John Egbert! And I have a feeling that he isn't a cosplayer."

"But that doesn't make any sense!" I replied. "John is just a web comic character! How could he possibly be real? And here of all places..."

"Well, Karkat, I am very hungry and would love to sit and eat."

I looked over at my completely serious looking friend who I hadn't notice put her glasses back on. I rolled my eyes and looked at her sideways.

"Terezi please," I said in my 'bitch please' voice. Danni laughed quietly and slid her glasses up so they were on top of her head. "But, in all seriousness, I think that really was John. Maybe Hussie isn't making up Homestuck and he's just retelling true events." I had never considered the thought of Homestuck being real. I mean, sburb isn't real, is it?

"Ce, I think you've lost it this time. No more nail polish for you; that shit is killing your brain cells," Danni said, shaking her head as we started walking to our usual table. I looked at my nails, seeing what she meant; I had to have had at least six coats of yellow nail polish on my filed-sharp nails. And, hell, maybe I was loosing it for all I know.

As we approached our table I noticed black hair with a bright purple streak in the gelled up bangs. Looks like Douchebag beat us here.

Duke 'Douchebag' Danes was my first friend at this school. He seemed to be getting bullied a lot, the reason, I assumed, was because he was a homosexual. He certainly wasn't your stereotypical gay guy though; he seemed just as heterosexual as Danni or me. He wasn't though, and he had a huge fanboy crush on Dave. I, personally, thought it was adorable.

"Hey, dipwad," I said, sitting down across from him. Duke looked up from his homework and flashed me a smile.

"Hey, Kar, w-what's up?" He said, stuttering quickly on the 'w'. ((A/N: watch Octopimp's FAQ on Eridan's voice and you'll understand.))

"Thanks for acknowledging the blind chick," Danni frowned and shoved me over so she could sit down. Though she would never admit it to anyone, Danni had a crush on Duke. She told me a while back, bawling because she knew he was into guys. "Way to make me feel special."

"That's what you get for being blind, ho!" he said, breaking character. We both laughed. Duke was never huge on TZ's character and always teased Danni for it. "So, anything exciting happen today?" he asked, running a hand through his hair. His wig fell off onto the floor. "Shit," he muttered, reaching behind his chair to retrieve it. He flicked a lock of his shaggy blond hair off his forehead. I could see Danni swooning in the corner of my eye. I snickered.

"In fact," I said, pulling my nail file from my backpack. "Something weird happened. Right, Dan?" I kicked her in the shin under the table, causing her to snap out if her drooling trance. She looked slightly confused.

"Uh, right!" she said with a nervous smile. I laughed lightly to myself as I started to file my nails sharp.

"I ran into this guy in the hallway and he called me Karkat-" I started before Duke intercepted.

"So he's a homestuck? OMG was he cute? Was he cosplaying? Was he a cute cosplayer? You know I dig cute cosplayers." You see, this is when he starts sounding gay.

"Douchebag, shut the fuck up. He then told me 'I wasn't the real Karkat' and then asked me why I was dressed like him. We think it was the real John Egbert."

"If it was John, then he must've-" Duke froze mid-sentence. His face turned into the face we both recognized right away; his 'holy-shit-its-Dave-Strider-omg-hes-so-hot-but-im-too-cool-to-fangirl' face. When his eyes go wide and his cheeks turn an adorable shade of pink. Depending on the situation, he'll either bite his lip or have his mouth hanging open. This time was mouth open. Danni and I slowly turned around and there he was, mirrored shades and all, Dave Strider.

"The fuck you talkin' 'bout my boyfriend for?"

((Holy shit chapter 2 is completed! I hope you enjoy it. Duke is probably my favourite of all of them. So, I'm going to try and introduce Julie in the next chapter. Oh yeah, sorry for all my cliffhangers. I hate that in fanfics but, you know, bitch I'm the writer. And for your comments:

*huggles* OMG I love you all!))

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