More Than Your Average Dare {Homestuck}

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((Homestuck belongs to Andrew Hussie and Andrew Hussie alone!))

I was practically drooling. My favourite ship, JohnxDave a.k.a. Pepsi-Cola, are kissing right now, up against the lockers. You are probably thinking I'm a perv, but I'm really not! I'm just a yaoi freak. Not to mention that I ship it like FedEx!

Dave gripped John's uniform shirt as he pressed his lips against John's. John glasses slid part the way down his nose.

I stood, hidden, behind another row of lockers. Not that they'd see me anyway; they're too busy making out. Then I actually started drooling.

Suddenly, a package dropped in front of me, landing at feet.


My eyes snapped open. I lifted my head. My entire cheek was soaked with saliva. My teacher stared sternly at me. I wiped my cheek and my desk with the long sleeve of my Karkat cosplay shirt. People stared at me. Some snickered, some laughed. She dropped a huge package onto my desk. It 'thudded' against my desk.

"Dammit," I mumbled. 'I forget what class I'm in,' I thought.

"Have fun with your homework! It's due tomorrow!" My teacher said, an evil grin on her face. The class groaned. The bell rang and everyone got up and gathered their things. I pulled my headband from my backpack and dropped everything else inside.

I fixed my hair and put my headband on. Stupid teachers not letting me wear it in class! It's "too distractive." Yeah, distractive my ass!

The yellow-orange Karkat horns stuck out from the headband. It took me 3 days to make them this perfect and I'm can't even wear them in class! What a pain.

"Boo!" A voice yelled from behind me. I turned around and came face-to-face with red glasses and pointed horns.

"God dammit, Terezi! How many times have I told you not to do that!" I said in my pissed off Karkat voice.

"I'm sorry Karkat! I can't help it!" She replied in her Terezi voice. We both burst into laughter. She pulled her glasses off and slipped them into pocket.

Daniella, or Danni for short, Talon is that gorgeous blonde whom every girl is jealous of. I used to ignore her because I thought she was one of those dumb blondes. But that changed when she came to school one day with her hair died black, pointed horns coming from her head and a pair of red glasses on her face. After that we became super close.

"Ugh I'm so hungry!" Danni moaned. She linked her arm in mine as we walked to the cafeteria.

"Oh shove it! You're always hungry!"

"You have no idea how true that is!" She replied with a wide smile as she slipped her glasses back on. "I'm in the mood for red chalk because red chalk tastes the best! Unlike your cement grey colour! Ick!"

"Terezi, that's disgusting. How do you lick chalk? Seriously it's gross!" We don't last longer then 3 seconds before bursting into laughter. We really need to work on our role-playing skills. Though, Danni definitely has her Terezi impression down pat! I guess I'm okay but Danni's way better. I'm just glad I get her happy and laughing. It makes me happy to see her mind off of...things.

My train of thought was interrupted when I hit something and fell. I landed hard on my ass. I looked up to see what I hit. It wasn't a 'what', it was a 'who'.

"Oops, sorry Karkat. Wait, you aren't Karkat! Why are you dressed like him?" A black-haired, buck toothed, kid with glasses asked. He wore a pale blue hoodie with swirls in the middle which resembled wind. A pair of yellow shoes and jeans completed the outfit. 'John?! John Egbert?!'

((Sorry this chapter is so short. It'll get better! Please read!!))

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