Oh Philly,

42 1 1

A/N: I just wanted to say, the valentines thing wasn't part of the story. That was just a little thing for you guys. On with the story

Sam's POV

Phil walks away with a I-know-someting-I-shouldn't-know with a hint of deep thought. I know my brother too well. Obviously he heard my conversation with Yuki and is trying to figure out what to do. Either way, he knows she likes him and he like her too. Should I help them? No, Yuki would kill me if I did.

"I'm gonna ask the guys if they want pizza. It's around dinner time." I say.

"Okay. You know what I want." She says not looking up from her phone.

"Double cheese and pepperoni." I guess.

"You know it" She laughs.

"I'll go ask the guys." I yell from the hallway.

I knock on the door and yell, "Do you guys want me to order some pizza?"

"Yes!" They cheer in unison.

"Okay. I'll go order it." I say as I pull out my phone.

I type in the pizza number and order our pizza. It takes a good while to walk to the pizza place and it's a nice day for a walk, so I leave to go get it. By the time I get there, they are pulling my pizza out of the oven. I quickly pay, take my pizza, and start walking home. By the time I get back, Yuki is in the lounge with all the guys talking about video games. We all share a love for video games.

"I come baring pizza!" I exclaim.

"Perfect timing. I was waiting for you to get back." Pj cheers.

"Why is that?" I ask.

"I wanted to ask you guys help me set up a little adventure for Sophie. I plan on proposing soon." Pj announces.

"Finally. That's long overdue man." Chris laughs.

"So what's the plan?" Yuki asks, digging into the pizza.

"I want to send her on a scavenger hunt. Like send her to the place we met and find Chris with her next clue, then where we went on our first date and find Dan and you get the rest." Pj explains.

"What about me? We literally just met." Yuki says awkwardky.

"How about you put us in small groups! You know, group one could be just Chris, group two could be Dan and I, and group three could be Phil and Yuki." I suggest.

"If we do that, then I want to be aloud to bring someone with me so I wont be lonely." Chris complains.

"I'm fine with that." Pj laughs.

"Hey Peej, you guys might want to go soon. It's getting late." Phil says looking at the clock.

"You're right. We'll work this out soon." Pj says sadly.

"Bye guys!" Chris yells.

"Bye!" Me, Dan, Phil, and Yuki yell in unison.

The four of us lead them out then head to the lounge to watch Sherlock. After a couple episodes, Yuki had to leave so it's just me and the boys.We decide that we've had enough TV for the night, so we agree to play truth or dare.

"We should film it." Phil blurts.

"Ok. I'll tweet out that we need truths and dares." I say as I tweet.

A few seconds later, I tweet it out and Dan and Phil retweet it. Within seconds we get over a hundred replies. We set up my recording stuff and begin recording.

"Hey guys, Sam here, and today I am not alone. I am here with Yuki, Dan and Phil." I start.

"Hello internet." Dan greets.

"Hi guys!" Phil cheers.

"Sup" Yuki says like a gangster.

"So, I asked you guys on twitter to send me some truths and dares. You guys are amazing! You sent in hundreds of replies within minutes. Lets." I say.

"Do." Phil continues.

"This." Dan finishes.

"That actually worked out really well." Phil acknowlages.

"That never happens. Sam what have you done?!" Dan yells.

"One, I did nothing. Two, RIP headphone users." I laugh.

"Okay, so heres how this works. Yuki i going to do all the reading and we all have answer the truths and take turns doin the dares." Phil explains.

"Lets start with a truth. Yuki pull up a truth." I direct.

"Okay, phanshipper123 asks, are you dating anyone, if so who?" Yuki reads.

"I guess I'll start. I am currently single." Phil says with a hopeful smile.

"I have a boyfriend, but I would like to keep that private." I explain.

"Wow, straight in with the private questions. I have a girlfriend at the moment. I'm not saying who, that is private you stalker." Dan jokes.

"Moving on from that, Yuki, please select a dare for Phil." I instruct.

"fangirling247 says, I dare you to crack an egg on your head." Yuki reads with an evil grin.

"You're so mean!" Phil complains.

The rest of recding ends up like this. I end up reletively clean, managed to keep perfectly clean, and poor Phil is covered in eggs and peanut butter. I ended up having to read a dirty fanfic making me scream every five seconds.

I pack up all my stuff and head home, but before I leave, I pull Phil aside and ask him about Yuki.

"Do you like her?" I ask.

"Elaborate." He says.

"Yuki! Do you like her?" I say emphisizing the like part.

"Maybe," He starts, "Fine. Yes I like her. I overheard you guys talking. Please don't tell her any of this."

"I wont." I promise.

"Bye, little sister." He smiles.

"I hate it when you call me that. See ya." I say as he closes the door behind me.

I walk down to my apartment where I find Chloe being awfully "friendly" with Jack. Like really friendly. They are actually pretty cute together. Are they a thing?

"Sorry to interrupt but I am really tired so I am going to bed." I say awkwardly.

"Go ahead. Good night." Chloe says blushing.

"Night." I say as I walk into my room.

I walk into my room and change into my pajamas. I climb into bed and check my texts. I have one text from Dan and about twenty from Chris and Pj. I open up Dans text first and read it over five times before fully processing it. I haven't had a single existential crisis since I started dating you. How is that even possible? I must be changing him for the better. I lay awake for another hour before finally falling asleep, with that text on my mind.

A/N: Should Chloe and Jack be a thing? (Kaylee, you don't get a say) Also, I am crafting right now as of writing this because I am sick and my dad said TATINOF tickets are too expensive so I cant go.


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