Sagittarius' POV I

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A/N: To everyone who wanted to be a helper, I really appreciate you wanting to do this with me, but all I ask is that you read along. Please. I don't update a lot, even if you skim to get a general idea, I'm not asking you guys to do any homework or research.... And don't be afraid to answer honestly. I get a lot of "It's your book, so do what you want," but I'm asking you for assistance.

Blood. There was so much blood. And a bright light?
Once my eyes adjusted enough to see anything other than blood and a bright light, I saw faces. My vision was a little hazy but I could still tell them apart from their voices.
"He's awake," Libra murmured. A little louder she repeated, "Guys, he's awake!"
Everyone sprung to their feet, all except one.
"Dude, can you feel anything?" Aries asked cringing at whatever he saw.
"I thought the doctor cleaned you up like ten minutes ago...?" Definitely Leo.
"Oh my God, he's still bleeding!" Gemini scoffed.
I felt all sorts of pain, but I couldn't even tell where it was coming from. There was still one shadow too far from the bed for me to make out a person. I was sure as hell it wasn't the doctor, and that was a problem.
The voices overlapped, I was trying to hear my own, and I guess a nurse or someone told me to chill out.
I just lay in my wheely hospital bed wondering to myself, what the fuck is going on?
Fast forward a bit. I'm unconscious. Again.
Obviously, I couldn't tell time when I was practically dead, but I was told I was in surgery for a couple hours.
I still couldn't get out of bed for a while, so the squad came in to see how I was doing.
Aqua had a different plan, but I was happy to see her anyways.
"Hey babe," I muttered.
"Don't call me that," she spat. "I'm here to make sure you didn't die, but I found something out that almost killed me," she added in a softer tone.
"Wha?" Could things get anymore confusing?
"Don't act like you don't know what you've done."
"OK, can we talk about this?" I asked, now straining every bit of strength I had to speak.
"Yeah, but for now, we're through." She threw a Get Well Soon! card at me and left.
"Heartless," said Gemini shaking his head.
"Oh please," Leo jumped in as if on cue, "The only 'heartless' one here is this piece of shit. I always had a bad feeling about you."
Now Libra stood up and I thought she would attack me too. I could feel myself dying.
"I'm not sure what's going on here," she said calmly, running her fingers through her short hair. "But whatever it is, I think it would be best for you guys to talk it out after Sagittarius recovers at least a little."
Leo could've bursted into flames right there,"You're the bitch that started this! Who are you to suggest anything right now? If it weren't for you and Sag's little 'experiment' we wouldn't have this fucking problem right now!"
Aries grabbed Leo's arm. "Shh, we'll work this out later." He wrapped his arms around her, and she took a deep breath. "I don't think the nurses appreciate all your... Uh... Obscenities," Aries tossed in a half smile.
"Honestly, I don't fucking care what they think," she said with an emotionless face. "But you're right, we should go."
"Sorry man," Aries turned to me.
"Don't apologize to him," Leo hissed.
"Here's the key," he said, tossing his spare to her.
"I drove myself here, remember?" She tossed it back to him. "Besides, Aqua needs a ride home."
"Alright, see you later, babe."
She turned with a belittling hair flip and exited.
Aries chuckled, "You know, the doctor specifically requested that you rest for like a week or as long as you need. A stress free break, ya know?"
I stared at him blankly.
"Well, we can both see that isn't happening..."
Gemini came back into the room- I hadn't even noticed he had left. "I half expected some of that," he nodded. "But not so much directed towards you in one night."
"Yeah, I didn't mean to cause all of that," Libra piped up.
"You didn't," I admitted.
"It takes two to tango," Aries chuckled under his breath.
"Shut up," I wheezed.
"Man, you don't sound so good." Gemini noted.
"The doctors are saying you're going to have to stay overnight," Aries said, checking the time on his phone.
"You guys can go home," Libra offered, "I'll stay with him."
"Nah, you should go home," Gemini shook his head.
"I can call out sick from work tomorrow," Aries offered. "I'll stay."
"Guys, I'll be alright." I said half-heartedly.
Aries continued. "Libra if you stay, there would be like no way Aqua would ever forgive Sag."
The room was dead silent. The machines beeped, and the heart monitor fastened. But the convo quickly picked back up.
"Aries, what the hell," Gemini hid a smile. "It's not like they can do much, the dude's half dead."
"He's not dead," Libra shot a nasty glance at him.
"I mean, I'm sure you're on a steady road to recovery," Gemini self-corrected himself.
"He's not wrong," Aries shrugged. "It's not like we'll tell her anyways."
"What more is there to know?" I scoffed. Wait a second. "How did she find out anyways?"
"Oh man," Gemini sighed. "Gotta take this call. 'Night, Sag." He left pressing any and every button on his phone.
Aries flat out pretended not to hear me, "You sure you got this, Libra? OK. I'll check up on you two tomorrow."
Then it was the two of us.
I looked at her and sighed. What have I done?
Scratch that.
What happened to me?

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