Capricorn's POV I

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A/N: I want to reconstruct the entire book again. It's still getting too hard to keep up with, so this may become the first chapter (in other words, I'll delete everything before this part.) I'm also thinking about starting another book that'd be wayy easier to keep up with (probably fanfiction, as you might've guessed.). If I do it, it'll be better for everyone I promise. I'll repost anything necessary and blah blah blah.

In a short summary, my teen years were filled with black clothes and alternative music. I was quite a downer. I resented the town I was raised in and a majority of the people I was surrounded by. At school, I didn't fit in.

I remember the exact day of my eighteenth birthday. Blowing out the candles, I probably made some cheesy wish, but I have no memory of what I asked for. I couldn't wait to be on my own.

When the time came for me to drive to my own place (far, far away from that old ghost town) I was so ready. Although it wasn't long before nostalgia struck me down. I tuned out the music and winced at the memories I hadn't valued before.

I remembered my high school friends. Two of my closest being Taurus and Virgo. In all honesty, I never really got along all that well with Virgo, but he was pretty down to earth and I liked that. I remembered Taurus nagging  me whenever I pushed away my plate. She made living with an eating disorder really hard, and I guess she helped me a lot.

I glanced at the junk food wrappers tossed on the back seats.

Yes, she helped me quite a bit.

My mind flashed to the fire signs, and I laughed to myself. I couldn't believe I actually thought for a second that I would miss them. Leo and her narcissistic ass. Her hair was always flawless though. Aries never really messed with me, but he had this crazy reputation that I had found interesting. I'll admit to missing his wild personality. Sagittarius was like his sidekick, and I never really liked him. 

I drove to the city and I was free. I sped through the night, breaking the rules for once in my life. Well, it's not my first time, but I never dared to speed in my mom's van. I decided right then and there on that highway that I wouldn't be stopping for the night.

I stopped at the drive through at around two thirty in the morning, followed by a call from Cancer, who I'd promised to meet earlier that day. She had moved out of town when we were in middle school, but we somehow kept in touch. We agreed I could stay at her place until I could get my own, or at least settled in my college dorm.

I estimated I'd make it at her place by five maybe? I drove for another hour or so, before stopping at a well lit gas station. Wherever I was at this point, it was almost as dead as the town I'd came from. I pulled on a dark hoodie and swung open the door, my eyes fluttering over the few people parked nearby. The only sounds came from the buzz of the gas station light and the bass rumbling from someone's car speakers. I could hear my own foot steps in my black Chuck Taylors.

I walked inside past a seriously tinted black car that I could've sworn I'd seen before. Without giving it a second thought I made my way inside and bought what I needed. "I'd also like 20 on the third pump, please," I told the man at the counter, holding out a crumpled twenty dollar bill.

"Going on an adventure?" The man asked.

"Sure feels like it," I replied, although it was nothing more than a new home and a restless night.

"Have a nice night," he told me, I replied with a friendly wave and I was ready to set out again.

A warm gust of wind rustled the few trees and if by magic, I noticed a young man leaning against the black car from earlier. He had dark hair with a faint blonde streak. His eyes were dark green and his subtle stubble made him jaw-dropping. "Scorpio?" His name rolled off my tongue before I could even process my own realization.

"Oh hey Cap," he said, turning my way, his eyes looking me over. "Wow, I haven't seen you in forever."

"Yeah," I nodded, slightly amazed I'd find him like this.

"I guess it's a pretty small world after all," he smiled. "You're legal now, right?"

"Yep," I said with a light laugh. I had a major crush on him when I was in my freshman year. He was a senior leaving me with almost no chance whatsoever. But here we were. Our small talk continued until we traded numbers and headed our separate ways.

By the time I had made it to Cancer's apartment complex, it was almost six. Cancer would not be happy, but she'd get over it pretty quickly. Leaving most of my luggage in my trunk, I brought a single bag with me, climbing up nice set of stairs after at least a solid 24 hours of no sleep. I pulled out a piece of paper with the door number on it. Cancer answered the door rather quickly when I knocked.

"Hey! Look who finally decided to show up?" Cancer called out.

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